TOP 20 recipes for slime and lizun with sodium tetraborate

Sodium tetraborate (solution) used in making slimes is the sodium salt of boric acid, which is a medicine. You can buy it without a prescription at a pharmacy for 15-25 rubles. bottle. The same substance, but in powder form, is used to feed plants and kill insect pests. It is called borax or borax, sold in hardware stores for 100 rubles. for 50 g.

Sodium tetraborate is an excellent stabilizer; it produces the highest quality slimes. You should not abuse it so that the toy does not come out too tight. And you need to understand that this substance is slightly toxic, although it is also used in the food industry.

Fluffy without shaving foam

This slime should turn out fluffy and light, like a classic fluffy. It also crunches loudly and stretches far. It contains shaving gel, which can also thicken the composition, so the main activator should be added carefully, in small portions.


  • 3 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 1 tsp. shaving gel,
  • 0.5 tsp. fat cream,
  • 0.5 tsp. shampoo,
  • 1 pea of ​​toothpaste,
  • a few drops of sodium tetraborate,
  • liquid dye, decor - optional.

Cooking method

  1. Place glue in a bowl and add shaving gel.

  2. Add a little cream and the same amount of shampoo.
  3. Add toothpaste to the mixture and make it homogeneous using a spoon.

  4. Drop sodium tetraborate into the mixture and stir well until compacted.
  5. Mash the slime with your hands until ready.
  6. Apply paint to the surface of the toy and stir it.

Watch this video on how to make fluffy slime without shaving foam:

Recipes for soft slimes at home

To make fluffy slimes at home, you don’t need to use complex ingredients or spend a lot of time. Not only an adult, but also a child can cope with this exciting activity.

From starch and shampoo


  • potato starch;
  • shampoo.
  1. Pour 100–120 grams of potato starch into a cup, add any shampoo to wash your hair.
  2. Instead of shampoo, you can use shower gel or liquid soap.
  3. Mix thoroughly, first with a tablespoon, then with your hands. You will get a stretchy slime.

Instead of starch, it is also recommended to use flour, but with starch the slime turns out softer and more elastic.

To add color during the preparation of slime, you can add any dye (watercolor paints, gouache or food coloring).

Made from shaving foam and glue


  • PVA glue;
  • baby cream;
  • shampoo;
  • shaving foam;
  • sodium tetraborate.
  1. Pour 150 ml of PVA glue into the container, add a little baby cream for greater elasticity and silkiness.
  2. To make the slime crunchy, you can add a little shampoo.
  3. The last step is to add five to seven tablespoons of shaving foam.
  4. Stir with a stick until thickened, adding a little sodium tetraborate.
  5. Then knead everything with your hands. You should get a viscous shiny mass, very pleasant to the touch.

If desired, you can add dye, beads or glitter.

The more shaving foam is added, the airier and fluffier the slime will be.

Without PVA


  • thick shower gel;
  • toothpaste;
  • Naphthyzin nasal drops;
  • pure water;
  • baking soda.
  1. Pour water into a plastic container, squeeze out a pea of ​​toothpaste and shower gel.
  2. Close the container and shake it thoroughly to beat the mixture. The result will be a thick foam without a gram of liquid.
  3. Pour into a deep cup.
  4. Then introduce baking soda on the tip of a knife.
  5. After mixing all the ingredients, add Naphthyzin. It should be added drop by drop for better thickening of the mass.
  6. Knead with your hands until the process is complete.

Due to the absence of PVA glue in the composition, the toy will turn out to be especially airy.

Without sodium tetraborate

One of the best thickeners for slime is sodium tetraborate. It is an antiseptic, a derivative of boric acid.

Sodium tetraborate in fluffy slime can cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of a rash and irritation on the skin of the hands. Allergies can also manifest themselves in the form of sneezing, watery eyes, even respiratory depression.

With prolonged use, symptoms of chronic intoxication may develop.

Therefore, people prone to allergic diseases should pay attention to a recipe without sodium tetraborate


  • 2 tablespoons of any liquid soap;
  • 150 ml PVA glue;
  • toothpaste;
  • one pinch of baking soda.
  • You can use Teymurov’s foot spray as a thickener.

Sequentially adding all the components to the container, mix the mixture thoroughly until the mass begins to stick to your hands.

Mountain slime

This slime is made up of three different colored halves. Its preparation takes quite a lot of time, but the result will be a plastic toy with beautiful tints of shades. Everything will work out if the mass settles tightly in the container.


  • 4 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 3 doses of liquid soap,
  • 1 tsp. water,
  • 0.4 tsp. hand or body cream
  • a few drops of sodium tetraborate.

For the second half of the slime take:

  • 30 ml transparent glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. water,
  • sodium tetraborate,
  • 2 different dyes.

How to make slime

  1. PVA glue is placed in a bowl and soap is added.
  2. Water is poured there, then cream.
  3. After stirring, add sodium tetraborate and again work with a spoon, and then with your hands.
  4. Place the finished half of the slime in a container with a lid and set aside.
  5. Office glue is poured into another bowl and water is added to it.

  6. Mix immediately, pour in the thickener, work with a spoon until the mass thickens, and then with your hands.

  7. The resulting transparent base is divided into 2 parts and painted in different colors.

  8. Both halves are placed in an empty container next to each other.
  9. White slime is placed on top, the container is closed and left alone for 1 day.

Watch this video on how to make mountain slime:

What are they: a list of the best substances with descriptions and photos

Each type of slime requires its own activator . Usually, the cooking recipe contains a recommendation on what type of thickener can be added, but if you need to create your own recipe or activate store-bought slime, you can use different components. Below are various types of substances that can serve as thickeners, as well as what these components are and what they look like can be seen in the photos and pictures.

Saline solution

Any salt-containing components can be used as a saline solution.

  • The most suitable are contact lens cleaning solution or Visin eye drops.
  • Also included in saline solutions are borax powder and sodium tetraborate. These preparations are sold in any pharmacy and contain derivatives of boric acid, which give the slime a thick consistency.
  • In addition, you can use Teymurov’s spray, which also contains sodium tetraborate.

When adding salt-containing substances to the slime, a chemical reaction occurs, due to which the slime quickly thickens. The activator should be added after the remaining ingredients are mixed ; the amount of product depends on the size of the future slime and the desired density.

Reference! Recipes with tetraborate are the most popular and proven among slimers.

Liquid starch

Liquid starch contains sodium tetraborate, which makes it suitable for activating slime. You can buy the product at any hardware store: it is usually found in the laundry detergent section. You can also order starch online; It is advisable to purchase starch from a company called Lint or Sta-flo.


Soda is also an excellent activator - it can be used both dry and as a solution. To make the solution, mix water and powder in a 3:1 ratio . Adding baking soda will increase the density of the slime while maintaining its “stretchiness.”

Reference! Slimes activated with soda are called "handgum" or "hand gum" and have a slightly different consistency from regular slimes.


Borax is the sodium salt of boric acid and can also be used to thicken slime. Borax powder is sold in pharmacies or in online stores . Its properties do not differ from sodium tetraborate, however, it is available in powder form.

Important! You need to wear gloves when handling the powder, as it can burn your skin. Children should knead slime using Borax under the supervision of parents or other adults.


This activator is suitable for slimes that are made from plasticine . The slime made from these ingredients is less stretchy and has a jelly-like consistency, but it does not require any components other than plasticine and gelatin. Before preparing the toy, gelatin must be soaked in water for 40 minutes.


To activate the slime with sugar, it is better to use powdered sugar rather than granulated sugar - this way the mass will be more homogeneous. After cooking, the slime will become thick and can be picked up with your hands, but after a short game, sugar slime, as a rule, quickly melts and spreads. Therefore, it will not be possible to make long-lived slime from sugar. But, with the help of powdered sugar you can make delicious edible slimes.


The easiest way to thicken slime is to use starch. Starch is used as a thickener in cooking, which means it is also suitable for creating slimes. Just dissolve the powder in water to form a paste-like mixture and add it to the slime during preparation. also suitable for creating edible slimes .

Reference! You can use either corn or potato starch, there is no difference.

Instead of dry starch, you can use flour diluted with water. The mixture will be thick and doughy, but not elastic.

Air freshener or hairspray

Without sodium tetraborate, you can thicken the slime using hairspray or air freshener . Both components must be in spray form; The varnish should have a high fixation force, and the air freshener should be from Air Wick. To prepare the slime, you need to use either varnish or a freshener: it is not recommended to use them at the same time.

As a result, you will get a slime that resembles plasticine in consistency. When kneading for the first time, the slime will not tear or stretch, but if you let it “rest” for a few minutes, the slime will become more elastic.

Below is a video about making slime with hairspray:

Dishwashing detergent or clothes washing gel

If you don't want to use caustic sodium tetraborate, use dishwashing liquid (a product called Fairy works best) or laundry gel. Only one of the components is allowed to be used in one recipe. A teaspoon of the product should be added to the slime during the preparation process, and then the slime should be allowed to “rest” for 20 minutes. Afterwards you will get a beautiful and pleasant to the touch slime, with a consistency reminiscent of chewing gum.

Reference! This component is not recommended for use by people with sensitive skin.

Hydrogen peroxide

You won't be able to thicken the slime with peroxide alone : ​​you must also use baking soda or starch. When adding soda, the toy turns out to be more liquid, and when using starch, it becomes elastic, reminiscent of a bouncy ball. When making slime, add peroxide a few drops at a time until you reach the desired consistency. A large amount of peroxide will make the slime thin and watery.

From office glue

This slime immediately turns out to be a thick white color. And when stretched, it becomes transparent, and air bubbles are visible inside. If you want to get a completely “glass” toy, after making it, you should put it in a closed container for 2-3 days. It will become completely transparent.

Proven slime recipe

  • 2 tubes of transparent glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. water,
  • 4 pumps of clear liquid soap,
  • a few drops of sodium tetraborate,
  • decorative elements.

Cooking method

  1. The glue is placed in a container and water is poured into it.

  2. Soap is also added there.

  3. Mix the transparent mass well.

  4. Pour in sodium tetraborate and shake the contents of the container again.
  5. The thickened and sticky mass is crushed by hand.

  6. At the end, add beads and mix them into the slime.

Watch this video on how to make transparent slime:

What is this substance needed for?

Sodium tetraborate is the sodium salt of boric acid, which is highly soluble in water. Tetraborate appears as a white crystalline powder and is used to treat fungal infections. Boric acid salts are often used to make slime. The substance plays the role of an activator, which accelerates the thickening of polymers and polysaccharides. As a result, the toy becomes viscous, viscous and elastic.

Borax tends to accumulate in the skin, so you need to wear gloves when making slime. Otherwise, it will lead to an allergic reaction.

With artificial snow

This method makes it possible to make snow or cloud slime. When stretched, cobwebs will be visible in its thickness. The toy should stick a little to your hands and have a delicate texture.

What to make from

  • a bag of artificial snow,
  • 2 tsp. water,
  • 65 ml stationery glue,
  • 3 doses of shower gel,
  • a little gold dye
  • 3 different paints and the same shades of glitter,
  • 2-4 drops of sodium tetraborate.

How to cook

  1. Combine “snow” with water and stir.
  2. Pour glue into another bowl and add shower gel to it, shake too.
  3. Add paint.
  4. Add a little thickener.
  5. Work with the mixture with a spoon until rolling, then with your hands.
  6. While the mixture sticks a little to the skin, stir in artificial snow.
  7. Divide into several segments, add bright dye and glitter to each.
  8. Mix different colored pieces into one whole.

Watch this video on how to make snow slime:

Composition and properties

The chemical nomenclature of soldering borax indicates that it is a crystalline hydrate of the sodium salt of tetraboric acid. If the substance contains 10 water molecules, then it is called sodium tetraborate decahydrate. In simple words, it is a salt that is surrounded by a shell containing 10 or 5 water molecules.

A temperature of 64 degrees causes decahydrates to melt and lose water in the process. Borax is dehydrated at a temperature of 380 degrees Celsius. Tetraborate is characterized by withstand heating up to a temperature of 742 degrees and melting when it increases.

Borax contains sodium chlorine, barium chlorine and, in some cases, boric acid. Flux in the form of a solution has a high ability to dissolve metal oxides, as well as fatty films and anything unnecessary that can prevent the adhesion of materials.

Thanks to the use of borax during soldering, many products are produced without defects.

From glue and borax

Slime made using this method is elastic. When it hits a hard surface, it springs like a ball. The mass has less stretch than the original slime, but it is very pleasant to the touch and has a loud “click” sound.


  • 5 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 60-70 ml of borax solution,
  • nail polish.

Cooking method

  1. Mix borax with water in a ratio of 1:4.
  2. Add glue to the solution.

  3. After a few seconds it will thicken, and then you need to collect it from the liquid with a spatula or stick.
  4. Knead the mixture with your hands for a short time.

  5. Paint with varnish, distributing it in the slime with your fingers.

We recommend reading about how to make slime without sodium tetraborate. From the article you will learn about proven recipes for slimes without tetraborate with the addition of shampoo, glue, lens fluid, freshener, soda and air plasticine. And here is more information about what slime is and what it is needed for.

Why is it used in making slime?

Sodium tetraborate is used to treat skin diseases, but young technicians have begun to use it in making slimes. Why is sodium tetraborate needed in slimes? Borax gives the toy the desired consistency, provides it with elasticity upon impact and softness when pressed with fingers.

Note! You can use other thickeners, but if someone is going to make slime for the first time and wants it to come out elastic and not spread, it is best to use Borax.

In the finished toy, sodium tetraborate makes up about 2% of the composition. If you don’t follow the recipe, the slime won’t work: it will either be too liquid or will form into lumps. You need to pour the borax in drops (you can use a pipette), stirring constantly until the product stops sticking to your hands.

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6: Made from clear borax glue

The toy is similar to the one obtained using the previous method, but it is softer and stretches better. And the decorating element turns the slime into iridescent. You can also make a ball from this slime that will fly off the table surface when you hit it.

What you need to make slime

  • 30 ml stationery glue (transparent),
  • 30 ml colorless liquid soap,
  • 10 ml borax,
  • 40 ml water,
  • 3-5 g of powder highlighter.

How to make at home

  1. Send the glue into a container, and pour soap into it.
  2. Mix the slime ingredients.
  3. In another container, make a solution of borax and water, and pour a mixture of glue and soap into it.
  4. Immediately begin to collect the thickening mass with a spatula.
  5. Knead it a little with your fingers and, holding it in your hands, mix the highlighter into it.

Watch this video on how to make slime from clear glue with Borax:

Disadvantages of flux

When working with borax, a characteristic deposit remains on the surface of the base metal, which must be mechanically cleaned off. Borax is susceptible to moisture and should be stored in a dry place. It is necessary to carefully prepare the flux in advance so as not to spoil the product.

Types of soldering flux

Tools and materials

The soldering technology uses a number of components.

  1. A soldering iron is used to heat joints that are to be soldered. Solder has a lower melting point than the metals that are being joined. Solder melts when heated with a soldering iron.
  2. Borax acts as a flux to prevent oxidation of the metals that are combined.
  3. The solder used to join copper pipes has a necessary acid base that is suitable for pipes but is corrosive to electronic connections.
  4. A stand on which you can hold a hot soldering iron. There are various stands. It is important to always keep the hot soldering iron in place when not in use.
  5. A sponge or rag that is used to clean the tip of an iron.
  6. Fine sandpaper used to clean connections before soldering.
  7. Alligator clips can be used as heat sinks if necessary.
  8. Burner if pipes are soldered.

Tools for soldering
Thus, the use of borax is effective in domestic conditions for cleaning surfaces and parts, and also as an antiseptic. The ingredient is often used for soldering various parts as protection against oxidation and corrosion prevention. Low cost and widespread use have allowed the substance to be used in many areas of industry and installation services.

With sparkling water

This slime should come out large, fluffy, shiny and transparent when stretched. At the same time, it does not leave marks on the skin or surfaces. Another feature of it is loud sounds when squeezed with fingers.


  • 30 ml PVA glue,
  • the same amount of transparent glue,
  • 30 ml of sparkling water, preferably having a bright color,
  • 7 tbsp. l. thick shampoo,
  • a little dye,
  • 1 tsp. baby cream,
  • a pinch of soda,
  • 0.5 tsp. boric acid solution.

How to cook it yourself

  1. Squeeze PVA into a cup and add transparent glue.
  2. Pour soda into the liquid, stir so that there are no clots.
  3. Shampoo is added.
  4. After stirring, tint the mass.
  5. Pour cream into it and work in the liquid with a spoon.
  6. Add soda and stir.

  7. Thickener is added.
  8. Mix until creamy with a spoon, then knead the slime in your hands.

Watch this video on how to make crispy slime:

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Let's start with the pros:

  • The drug is extremely affordable. The cost of a bottle of borax does not exceed $1, which is several times cheaper than other antiseptics and combination products.
  • The drug is non-toxic, well tolerated and does not cause serious side effects.
  • The product can be used in problem categories of patients: children, pregnant women, nursing mothers.
  • The drug is effective, especially in gynecology. Glycerin has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, relieving itching and burning, and boric acid helps restore the acidic protective environment of the vagina, stimulating the growth and reproduction of beneficial lactic acid bacteria.

With corn starch

This recipe makes a thick, matte slime. And yet it is soft, easily stretched, and does not retain its shape for long.


  • 4 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • any dye,
  • 2 tsp. with a heap of cornstarch,
  • 2 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • 3-5 drops of sodium tetraborate.

Cooking method

The slime is made as follows:

  1. You need to mix glue and paint.
  2. Add starch and try to dissolve it in the mixture using a spoon.
  3. Add shaving foam and stir.
  4. Thicken the mass by adding sodium tetraborate.
  5. Knead it until done.

Watch this video on how to make slime from cornstarch:


To give the toy the desired density, some use air freshener or hairspray. You need a spray with the highest level of fixation. These products are considered “capricious” (the mass does not always acquire the desired thickness). Below we will tell you how to make gum for your hands with such thickeners.

Pour the required amount of PVA glue into the container (the brand and name are not important) and gradually add hairspray, spraying it for 5-7 seconds. The hair fixing product can be replaced with an air freshener (use only spray). After each addition of one of these products, knead the toy for 5 minutes, and so on until ready. Varnish and freshener are not used together in the recipe. Add only one thing to the slime.

Experienced slime makers advise using salt products or soda to thicken them, which most often work great.

With toothpaste

This slime should turn out fluffy and voluminous, despite the small amount of glue. It gets your hands a little dirty, but it stretches well, crunches and doesn’t lose its fluffiness when squeezed.


  • 2 tbsp. l. white toothpaste,
  • the same amount of shampoo
  • 3 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. sodium tetraborate,
  • 2 different dyes.

Cook at home

  1. Place toothpaste and shampoo in one bowl.

  2. Whisk for 3 minutes.
  3. Add glue to the mixture and stir it.
  4. Pour in sodium tetraborate.
  5. Help him stabilize the mass using a stirrer.
  6. Divide the slime into two parts and color both.
  7. Mix the multi-colored segments into one.

Watch this video on how to make slimes from toothpaste:

Effective ways to increase slime

If you still fail to save the slime and it has decreased in volume, effective methods will help.

Soaking and stretching

The following recipe will help you make more slime:

  • take the damaged slime into your hands, actively knead it and stretch it in different directions for 4 minutes;
  • 105 ml of warm water is poured into the container;
  • immerse the slime in water and stir with a stick for 35 seconds;
  • take the lump in your hands again and quickly knead it.

Similar steps are repeated several times until the slime structure becomes soft and elastic.

Envelope with salt

If you give a toy moisture, it will become larger. A series of sequential actions should be performed:

  • immerse the toy in warm water for 3 minutes;
  • then a pinch of salt is poured onto the surface of the mass and the envelope is folded;
  • begin to actively knead the lump.

Salt injections

Injections with salt will help return store-bought or homemade slime to its original size. Take a syringe with a needle and fill it with saline solution.

Preparation of the solution

It's easy to prepare the solution:

  • 102 ml of warm water is poured into the container;
  • add 4-5 g of salt;
  • immerse the slime in the prepared solution for 4.5 minutes;
  • take the lump in your hands and knead it with your fingers;
  • If the mass sticks to the skin, then sprinkle a little salt on the surface of the slime.

Excess liquid from the surface of the slime is removed with paper napkins.


The next step is a restorative injection:

  • 22 ml of water is poured into the container;
  • dissolve 2 salts;
  • the prepared liquid is drawn into a syringe;
  • The needle is stuck into the slime and slowly saturated with the solution.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure three times with an interval of three hours. Don't inject too often. Otherwise, the composition will deteriorate and elasticity will be lost.

Using shaving gel

Regular shaving gel and baby powder will help increase slime:

  • A small amount of powder is poured onto the surface of the slime and the mass is intensively kneaded.
  • After this, two sprays of shaving gel are applied to the surface. Again stretch the slime in different directions.
  • After just 4.5 minutes the lump will become large and elastic.

Shaving foam will also help save the toy without using other components. Squeeze a small ball of the product onto the lump, and then begin to actively knead it with your fingers for three minutes. The method will help not only increase the volume, but also make the composition soft and viscous.

How to enlarge using kinetic sand

You can enlarge the lump without using shaving foam. The component can be replaced with kinetic sand. It is sold in the stationery and toy department. The composition differs from ordinary sand in that it has a wetter structure. The method is suitable for enlarging only those slimes that initially had kinetic sand added to them:

  • Kinetic sand 34 g is added to the mass.
  • The slime is actively kneaded until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Add a portion of sand again and knead it.

With this method, the mass grows before our eyes. At the same time, the composition becomes soft and viscous.

Adding plasticine

If the slime is made from plasticine and gelatin, then this method of restoring volume is suitable for it. To work, you will need air plasticine, which is sold in small containers with lids.

The mass of such plasticine is very soft and sticks to your hands:

  • A small piece of airy plasticine is mixed with slime.
  • Knead the mass intensively with your fingers so that there are no lumps.

As a result of all these actions, you will get a large elastic lump that stretches well and does not stick to your hands. Instead of plasticine, you can use PVA glue. Suitable for both purchased and homemade slimes:

  • the mass is placed in a polyethylene bag;
  • add a little glue and tie the bag;
  • The slime is kneaded until a homogeneous consistency is formed;
  • then pick up the lump and continue kneading for another 5 minutes.

From a film mask, without glue

This is one of the easiest ways to make crunchy slime. It doesn't turn out to be very big, but it stretches without tears and inflates like chewing gum.

Simple recipe

  • 3 tbsp. l. film masks,
  • 1 tsp. hand cream,
  • 4 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • a few drops of sodium tetraborate.

Preparation method

  1. Mix the film mask and hand cream.
  2. Make the mass more voluminous using shaving foam.
  3. Mix the components again.

  4. Thicken the mass with sodium tetraborate.
  5. Mix with a spoon and fingers.

Watch this video on how to make slime from shampoo and toothpaste:

How to thicken it yourself

If the listed thickeners are missing, you can take another component. We are talking about regular flour, which is a good alternative to starch. You can thicken the slime using this ingredient, but this will negatively affect the result. The toy will be just as elastic, but it will not stretch well.

See also

Recipes for making gelatin slime at home

There is a recipe for making a slime activator with your own hands, which is suitable in any case. 100 ml of sodium tetraborate is poured into a medium-sized container. It needs to be shaken well. Here is the finished mixture. Suitable for any slime recipe, excluding edible versions. Each time you need to add a few teaspoons of the solution. Therefore, the volume will last for a long time.

Made from two types of glue

This toy is essentially made of two components: glue and thickener. That's why it always works out. You can make a lot of slimes using this recipe using different decor.

What do you need for slime?

  • 65 ml PVA glue,
  • 30 ml stationery glue,
  • aqueous solution of sodium tetraborate,
  • dye, glitter.

How to cook it yourself

  1. You need to mix both types of glue.
  2. Add sodium tetraborate a little at a time several times, constantly stirring the mixture with a spoon.
  3. When it looks like semolina porridge with lumps, you need to take it in your hands and actively knead it.
  4. Color the almost finished slime and add decoration by kneading the toy.

Watch this video on how to make slime from glue and sodium tetraborate:

What is the activator for slime?

A slime activator, also known as a thickener, is added during the slime creation process to improve its properties. Due to a chemical reaction, the liquid slime curdles and thickens; later it becomes more convenient to play with it. To make the slime the right consistency, you need to find out which ones are suitable and choose the right activator.

Activators come in different forms: both in the form of a liquid gel and in the form of a powder or spray. The spray is most convenient to use; you just need to spray it on the slime several times. Solutions are more easy to handle, and powder, in turn, can be found in almost any kitchen.

Attention! When making slime, adding a thickener is mandatory, since it determines whether the toy will be dense and elastic, or will spread in your hands.

With glycerin

Even a novice slimer can make a slime using this recipe if the glue is chosen correctly. The toy will be an original type, it can be decorated with sparkles or any pigment.

Easy recipe

  • 2 tsp. water,
  • 1 tsp. shampoo,
  • 0.5 tsp. cream or 1 tsp. glycerin,
  • 5 tsp. PVA glue,
  • a little sodium tetraborate or Naphthyzin with soda.

Cooking method

  1. Pour water and shampoo into the bowl and mix with a spoon.

  2. Add cream, mix.
  3. Pour glue into the foamy liquid and make it homogeneous using a spoon.
  4. Add sodium tetraborate in portions, stir until the mixture coagulates.

  5. Make the slime cooler by squishing it in your hands.

Watch this video on how to make slime with glycerin:

What can replace borax if necessary?

Sodium tetraborate is a dangerous component for children; it can cause allergic reactions and you need to be careful with it. Therefore, more harmless improvised means can be used as a thickener for slimes.

Thickeners for slimes that can be found in any kitchen:

  • soda;
  • potato starch;
  • flour.

To prepare slimes with these ingredients, you need to take 100 ml. water and PVA glue, as well as 100 ml. chosen thickener (flour, soda or starch). If the mixture is too liquid, the amount of activator needs to be increased.

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Slime without borax

Neon with plasticine

This toy is especially fun to make and play with in a dimly lit room. Thanks to the neon components, it glows. At the same time, there is nothing complicated in the recipe; even a beginner slimer can handle it.

What can it be made from?

  • 50 ml neon glue,
  • 1-2 g neon sparkles,
  • a small piece of plasticine with foam balls,
  • a few drops of borax solution (125 ml of water per 10 g of powder).

Cooking method

  1. The glue is poured into the dishes.
  2. Add glitter.

  3. Place plasticine and stir everything.
  4. Stabilizer is added.
  5. Stir with a spoon and hands until done.

Watch this video on how to make neon slime:

Boric acid (powder)

Boric acid is an insecticide and antiseptic used in agriculture and medicine. Sodium tetraborate is made from it, but the powder can also be used to create slimes. The pros and cons of the acid are the same as those of the medicine.

You can buy a sachet or large package at the pharmacy (which is preferable), and if this is a substance for killing garden pests or fertilizing the soil, then at the store. Price – from 70 rub. for 10 g

Cooking method

  1. Pour glue into a bowl.
  2. In another container, mix boric acid and water.
  3. Combine both liquids and stir.
  4. If the mass is too tight, you can soften it with shower gel.

Read about the other 8 boric acid slime recipes. You will learn how to properly dilute boric acid and what ingredients are needed to make the right slime.

With hair foam

This recipe allows you to save on some components, because shaving cream is cheaper than foam. Nevertheless, the result is a lush fluffy slime, thanks to the hair product and whipping the mass during the manufacturing process.

Fluffy Sloughm Recipe

  • 2 tsp. shower gel,
  • 0.5 tsp. shaving cream,
  • 2 tsp. with a foam top for the care of weakened hair,
  • 4 tsp. transparent glue (it can be tinted with any pigment),
  • glitter,
  • borax solution, which is made from 125 ml of water and 10 g of the main component.

How to do

  1. Place shower gel and shaving cream in one bowl and mix.

  2. Add hair foam.

  3. After mixing the previous components, pour in the glue and shake the liquid with a spoon until fluffy.
  4. Add glitter.

  5. Pour in the borax solution and stir until it curls.
  6. Then knead the mass with your hands.

Watch this video on how to make fluffy slime without glue and without shaving foam:

Scope of application of the drill

Sodium tetraborate has been actively used for the following purposes:

  • as a flux during soldering and melting of metals;
  • in analytical chemistry studies as a standard substance for determining the level of acid in a solution. Borax is also used to establish the characteristics of metal oxides;
  • widespread use in the creation of glazes, enamel, glasses for optical instruments and decoration;
  • the powder is used in pharmaceuticals and paper production;
  • is a natural preservative and means for disinfection and control of parasites;
  • is a component in the chemical industry to create household cleaning products;
  • relevant application in the creation of cosmetic products;
  • borax is used as a base for creating boron;
  • the substance is a component for creating insulating building materials;
  • in light industry, sodium tetraborate is applied to the product before the painting procedure.

Using a drill in everyday life

Borax can be found in most grocery stores. It is a relatively inexpensive product, making it an excellent choice for many household projects.

Use of sodium tetraborate as a medicine

The substance is very effective in controlling pests: cockroaches, ants and other household insects. The mixture is ready by mixing equal parts of powder with sugar. Sugar helps attract beetles and borax exerts its detrimental effect on the insect. It is recommended to keep the substance in hard-to-reach places, away from pets and children. Optimal places: under stoves, refrigerator and sink. Borax also works well against mice. You just have to apply the powder in the areas where the mice are located, and the borax will rid you of the pests. You can also sprinkle the solution on the carpet and vacuum it to eliminate the presence of fleas or treat the mattress to get rid of bedbugs.

Borax will get rid of rust. Mixing 1 cup of powder with 2 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice makes an effective anti-corrosion agent. The paste-like solution is applied to the rusty items for about 15 minutes. After which the rust can be easily removed by mechanical friction.

Sodium tetraborate is a universal cleaner. Two tablespoons of borax are mixed with 2 cups of water to create an all-purpose cleaner. The solution can be applied in a spray bottle and used to clean kitchen surfaces and bathroom tiles and ceramics. Borax is great for removing very stubborn stains. Borax will help remove stubborn stains from the floor.

Borax will allow you to flush your home plumbing fixtures. Simply place ½ cup of borax into the drain with a few cups of warm water. Borax breaks down dirt that gets stuck in pipes. This will not only remove excess and unclog the drain, but also disinfect the system.

Application in forging and forge welding

Borax is actively used as a flux for forging and forge welding. The powder is a source of boron oxide, with excellent antioxidant properties. Borax can, if necessary, remove small cracks during metal processing, change the shape of a product, or when heated during artistic forging and blacksmithing of metal. The substance is classified as a high temperature flux. The processed workpiece with borax is characterized by more wear-resistant characteristics and durability.

Using borax in soldering.

During the melting of borax at a temperature of 700-900 °C, the surface of the material being processed is cleaned, and all excess inclusions are dissolved in the flux. During the processing of a material by forging, a thick layer of scale is gradually created. In some cases, the metal being processed may completely burn due to overheating of the part. But by using a thin layer of borax, this scenario can be avoided.

In industry

Industrial enterprises find the following uses for this substance:

  • as a raw material for the production of boric acid;
  • as an antiseptic in the production of bulk insulation materials such as “Ecowool”.
  • as a means for determining the concentration of acid solutions;
  • in welding production as a component of flux;
  • in the mechanical engineering industry as a component of antifreeze and various lubricants;
  • in glass production;
  • the fabric is treated with sodium tetraborate for better dyeing;
  • Borax is a component of almost all cosmetic products.

Using borax in the soldering process

In addition to household use, borax is a popular raw material for soldering. High temperature flux is produced as a finely dispersed powder. When heated above 700 degrees Celsius, the flux flows into a liquid state and becomes solder. I’ll tell you about the pros and cons of this flux in the table below.

Pros of borax fluxCons of solder
The elements being connected do not need to be heated to the same temperature.After the borax solder cools, salt-type deposits form on the surface of the seam, which will have to be cleaned off from time to time. This is not very convenient for hard-to-reach places.
The quality of the roller is high even when connecting different materials. For example, metal and non-metal.
The roller can be destroyed if necessary by reheating the borax to the melting point.
The peak heating temperature of 700+ C will not allow copper parts to warp + the characteristics of the weld with this solder are higher than usual.Flux absorbs moisture very well. A closed storage container doesn't even help. Too wet solder reduces the quality of the roller several times.
Capillary soldering itself is considered the best solution for connecting small and medium-sized parts.
The powder mixture makes it possible to achieve a high level of seam strength.

To learn how to use Borax without jambs, you need to maintain clear proportions when applying. For beginners in welding, this can be problematic, so gaining practical experience with such solder is extremely important.

Rules for soldering with technical borax:

  1. The base for applying boron powder must first be cleaned. The welder gets rid of various greasy stains, wax and other debris from the surface of the future seam. For this procedure I use regular sandpaper. It's quite enough.
  2. The soldering iron tip needs to be preheated before touching the solder.
  3. To form a reference seam, I advise you to heat the workpieces to the same temperature.
  4. The tip of the soldering iron should heat both sides of the elements being connected.
  5. Do not skimp on solder to form a quality connection.
  6. When the solder begins to flow, the soldering iron tip is temporarily removed from the joint location.
  7. After applying the bead, the joined elements cannot be moved until they have completely cooled. When working with transistor components, you should use “crocodiles” that will act as heat sinks, thereby reducing the risk of temperature damage to the filling.

If dry joints occur, the roller must be melted and the seam redone. After finishing work with solder, the tip of the soldering iron is cleaned. When working with copper parts, cleaning the edges of the elements being joined is especially important.

What tools and materials are used in the borax soldering process:

  • soldering iron Used to heat solder + sometimes for the connections themselves. Sometimes it is more convenient to heat the elements with a gas burner;
  • stand. To position the soldering iron while it is heating up or is inactive. There are a lot of variations of stands for this instrument on the Internet, so choosing one that is convenient for you will not be any problem;
  • rag or sponge. Consumables needed to clean the soldering iron tip;
  • fine grit sandpaper. Used for stripping joints to which solder will be applied;
  • crocodiles. The clamps play an auxiliary role as radiators;
  • burner. Needed when soldering pipes.

Also, to improve the quality of the seam, I advise you to use boron flux, which will contain fluoride or chloride elements. When soldering pipes, the elements being connected must be heated for at least 25 seconds.

How to make borax with your own hands?

With starch and body lotion

This recipe produces fluffy, textured fluffy slime. It is also elastic and soft, with a noticeable shine thanks to the body lotion.

What to make from

  • 5 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 2 tsp. cold water,
  • 0.5 tsp. body lotion,
  • 2-3 tsp. starch,
  • 6 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • dye,
  • borax.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. You need to pour glue and water into one bowl.
  1. Add creamy body lotion, make the liquid homogeneous.

  2. Add starch and mix again.
  3. Add shaving foam and distribute it evenly throughout the mixture.

  4. Color the slime.
  5. Pour in a few drops of borax, working continuously with a spatula.
  6. If the mass has thickened but remains sticky, knead it with your hands.

Watch this video on how to make airy slime:

Basic Recipes

Before making a toy, you need to prepare components and materials: a container in which the components will be mixed, a stirring stick, rubber gloves and a container for further storage of the slime. The ingredients are combined in a bowl and kneaded until the final elastic state. The basic recipe can be varied by adding bright food colors or glitter to the slime, so it will be even more interesting for the child to play.


To make rainbow slime you will need different colors of food coloring. In several bowls, separate for each color, mix the components and bring the mass to the desired consistency. Ready-made slimes of different colors are combined into one, the resulting toy will be multi-colored.

Classic version of glowing slime

To make glowing slime, you need to take:

  • glue (regular stationery or PVA, homemade glue for slime is also suitable);
  • activator - sodium tetraborate (you can replace it with lens fluid, borax or borax);
  • fluorescent marker.

Step-by-step instructions for making glowing slime are presented below:

  • Prepare a luminous liquid from the core of a felt-tip pen and water.
  • Glue is added to the resulting solution.
  • The mixture is supplemented with any activator from the list.
  • The resulting composition is mixed first with a stick, then as it thickens with hands protected by gloves.

Glossy with oil for baby skin

This slime has a glossy shine and shimmer. It is also very soft, so it has a flowing texture, but it can also be assembled into rosettes.

Ingredients for glossy slime

  • 2 tubes of transparent Brauberg glue,
  • 1 tube of Luch glue,
  • 1 tsp. oils for baby skin care,
  • 1 tsp. rich hand or body cream,
  • a drop of dye,
  • aqueous solution of sodium tetraborate (2 tsp per 1 glass of liquid).

Cooking method

  1. Mix both types of glue well in a cup.
  2. Add butter and cream, mix too.
  3. Tint the mass with liquid pigment.

  4. Pour in a few drops of thickener.
  5. Mix the slime well.

Watch this video on how to make glossy slime:

Rules for choosing ingredients

Flavorings are divided into two types:

  • cosmetic;
  • food.

In the first case, it is customary to call the substance a fragrance. They contain components of synthetic origin. There are also flavors used for automotive products and household chemicals. Their composition is more aggressive.

Flavors of this type are not recommended for creating slime. Allergic reactions may occur upon contact with skin. If the human body does not tolerate the substance, the skin may itch, turn red and develop a rash. Even if a person is allergic to just one component in the composition, it is still not suitable

The question becomes especially important if the toy is being prepared for a child.

It is better to use cosmetic fragrances. There are a huge number of products on the market that you can buy and prepare your own fragrance. Thus, the slime acquires any smell.

Food flavorings

They are in first place on the list due to the safety of use. Aromatic substances are presented in liquid, gel and dry form. It is recommended to choose the liquid form.

According to the information, they use the following rules for choosing components to create flavors:

First of all, pay attention to the origin of the substance. It is better if it is as close to natural as possible. Components to which you are allergic are completely excluded. Form of ingredients

As a result, the flavor should be obtained in the form of a liquid.

The choice of ingredients is of great importance. Neglecting these rules will lead to negative consequences after playing with slimes

Therefore, the choice of ingredients is approached with great responsibility.

From raw egg white

Slime made using the proposed method is light and small. But you can stretch it until it becomes transparent and blow out bubbles. It’s better to store it in a cool place so that it doesn’t spoil longer.

Ingredients for slime

  • 1 chicken egg,
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. film masks,
  • a little paint,
  • sodium tetraborate or Teymurov foot spray.

How to make it at home

  1. Remove the white from the egg, that is, punch a hole in the shell through which the desired component is shaken out into a cup.
  2. Beat it until fluffy, using a whisk or mixer.
  3. Add the film mask and mix.
  4. Add color to the liquid.
  5. Pour sodium tetraborate into it, knead until thick.

Watch this video on how to make slime from an egg:

Slime made from sour milk

Such an unusual toy will not require any costs from the manufacturer, because milk is found in everyone’s home, and even more so, milk is not stored for so long, so it is guaranteed to go sour at some point. If this happens, then there is no need to rush to pour the milk into the toilet, because a sour milk product can make a wonderful toy. This recipe requires only a few ingredients:

  • Milk that has gone sour.
  • Acetic acid.
  • A sieve or some kind of filter.
  • Soda.

With light plasticine

This is one of the easy ways to make butter slime. It spreads like butter, but also stretches and clicks well.

What to make butter slime from

  • 60 ml PVA glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. water,
  • 1-2 tsp. liquid soap,
  • 0.5 tsp borax,
  • a bag of light plasticine.

How to make

  1. Pour water into the glue in the cup.
  2. Add liquid soap to the mixture and shake everything with a stick.

  3. Pour in borax, stir until curdled.
  4. When the slime stops leaving marks on your hands, you need to mix it with light plasticine until smooth.

Watch this video on how to make butter slime:

Application of brass and copper powder

Practitioners often use flux that has been stored longer than expected. To solder with brass, the borax must be re-melted. The cooled powder should be placed in a jar with an airtight lid. Neglecting this procedure can ruin the work due to waste accumulated during storage.

At the beginning of soldering, the working area must be heated to a clearly visible red color. Heating should begin first at the edges, and then directly at the soldering site.

Then the heated area should be gradually sprinkled with flux, wait until it spreads in the form of a film along the edges of the part. At this point, the heated brass solder must be dipped into the molten borax so that it is covered with a hot flux film.

As experience shows, the soldering area is red in color, while the borax melt is colored bluish. You cannot keep solder in the flux for a very long time. Oxide residues may form.

Then you should warm up the work area again. The brass will take on an orange glowing appearance. You can proceed directly to soldering. If done correctly, the solder will fill all the gaps.

The soldering area will turn golden. When the process is completed, the hot zone should be sprinkled with borax powder and left to cool. Copper parts in a hot (200 ℃) state can be placed in a mixture containing equal parts acetone and water, or simply in water. It makes sense to immerse the cutters in hot sand.

A correctly made connection has a transparent film with a slight blue tint. There are no solder drops on it. If soldering is performed incorrectly, the seam becomes covered with a black porous crust.

The reason may be overheating of the working area, as a result of which slag is formed, or poor quality of borax-based flux. This is how brass and other copper-containing alloys are soldered.

From Vaseline and glue

This recipe is used to make jelly slime, which also has a shiny surface. So this toy can be considered both a jiggly and a glossy. The slime stretches well and makes a loud click when touched.


  • 200 ml hot water,
  • a jar of Vaseline (10 g),
  • dye,
  • 3 tubes of transparent glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. sodium tetraborate.

Do it yourself

  1. Place Vaseline in the water and use a spoon to help it dissolve.
  2. Add some paint.
  3. Pour glue into the liquid and stir.
  4. Add sodium tetraborate drop by drop and work the mixture with a spoon until it thickens.

Watch this video on how to make slime from water and Vaseline:

Sodium tetraborate base

The inorganic boron compound (Na2B4O7) is widely used in medicine, the chemical industry, cosmetology and food production, and now in the manufacture of toys. Auxiliary components change, and the technological process cannot be completed without sodium tetraborate, which is freely sold in pharmacies and acts as a thickener.

Borax has become in demand, and products based on it are modified and supplemented with simple recipes that are accessible even to children. Their selection will help make slime from sodium tetraborate and show the creative inclinations of young “chemists”, and will significantly save the family budget.

From shower gel and hand cream

This method can be used to make large rainbow slime. Its texture is so delicate that the shades of the colors used imperceptibly flow into one another. And the abundance of oil components makes the slime also glossy.


  • 100 ml transparent glue,
  • 50 ml PVA glue,
  • 1 tsp water,
  • 1 tsp body milk,
  • 2 tsp. shower gel,
  • 1 tsp. hand cream,
  • 0.5 tsp. aqueous solution of sodium teraborate,
  • 4 different dyes.

How to make slime

  1. Mix both glues.
  2. Pour water into the same cup and spread it with a spatula.

  3. Add body milk, then shower gel, stirring the liquid after each ingredient.

  4. Supplement the mixture with hand cream.
  5. After thoroughly stirring, pour in the sodium tetraborate.

  6. Knead until thick with a spoon, then with your hands (if this does not help, you should add more activator).
  7. Divide the slime into 4 parts, paint each one a different color by dropping pigment and squeezing the mass with your fingers.
  8. Place the segments in a container next to each other, tightly, close the lid and do not touch for 2 days.

We recommend reading about how to make slime without a thickener. From the article you will learn about options for making slime with and without glue. And here is more information on how to remove slime from clothes.

Sodium tetraborate makes creating slime very simple, this thickener works flawlessly. The main thing is not to put too much of it, do not waste time kneading the mass. And if there is an excess of thickener in it, you can save the toy with water, shower gel or fatty cream.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to make glossy slime:

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What to do if the slime does not thicken

If the slime does not work out, this may be caused by the following factors:

  1. Insufficient mixing. The slime should not only be mixed with a spoon, but also thoroughly kneaded with your hands. If the toy is too liquid, you should try again to thoroughly knead it with your hands. The approximate mixing time is at least five minutes.
  2. Not enough thickener. If after additional mixing the slime still does not reach the desired consistency, you need to add more activator.
  3. Bad glue. You should always pay attention to the expiration date of the glue, since an expired product does not react with sodium tetraborate.
  4. Lots of liquid. When making slime with water or shampoo, the proportions should be observed: the liquid component should not exceed half the mass of the finished toy.

To get the desired consistency, you should try all the options: knead thoroughly with your hands, add a thickener or glue, put the toy in the refrigerator for an hour. If after all these manipulations the toy does not acquire the required consistency, the glue should be replaced.

Homemade slime may not thicken

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