A detailed review of the line of domestic toothpastes Parodontol

Not only the beauty of the teeth, but also the health of the periodontium and mucous membranes in general depends on the quality of oral hygiene. A high-quality toothpaste will help you cope with beginning dental problems. It eliminates pathogenic microorganisms that have a detrimental effect on oral health and helps maintain fresh breath for a long time. One of the popular pastes for oral care is Parodontol. The advantages, indications, contraindications for using the product, as well as its varieties, will be discussed in more detail in the article.

Information about the paste and manufacturer

The main task of oral care products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is the effective removal of soft plaque. Some pastes can soften tartar, but such products should be chosen only on the recommendation of a dentist. Compositions that can dissolve hard dental deposits can negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel and cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

And also, means for carrying out hygiene procedures must be safe for the human body. Not all pastes that have a complex effect can be classified as safe drugs. For example, gels with a whitening effect often contain acids and abrasive particles that injure and destroy enamel. The enamel surface is strengthened using fluoride, which is dangerous for people living in regions with fluoridated water.

The “efficacy-safety” criterion is optimally met by Parodontol toothpaste. It is worth noting another advantage of the product - the variety of assortments. Thanks to this, each customer will be able to choose a specific type of paste that is suitable for them to solve individual problems.

Parodontol paste is produced in Russia. The company has been producing cosmetics and oral care products for about 50 years. The manufacturer's products are popular among customers due to their low cost and effectiveness. People with chronic gum disease and allergic reactions are allowed to use Parodontol paste.

Another advantage of the gel is that it can be used by people of all ages. has developed a special line of products for small consumers. It is distinguished by a softer composition and the absence of rough components in the composition. You can buy the drug in almost any store or pharmacy.

Prof series

The Prof series represents a new line of Parodontol toothpastes with therapeutic and prophylactic effects.

All pastes have enhanced taste and a cooling effect. In addition to medicinal properties, all products in the series provide gentle enamel whitening and give fresh breath for the next 12 hours. All products are multifunctional.

Antibacterial protection – NEW

Maintains the correct balance of microflora in the oral cavity. The product has an effective protective formula against caries, increasing the resistance of enamel to pathogenic microorganisms. Gives freshness to breath while maintaining the effect for a long period.

The unique formula of the drug effectively protects periodontal tissues from the formation of caries. The drug contains the following active ingredients:

  • triclosan;
  • fluorine;
  • polydon;
  • plant extracts.

Ginger + Lime

The composition includes lime zest, which has a large amount of minerals, vitamins, and essential oils. All these components protect the oral cavity from carious formations.

Ginger is a source of essential amino acids and microelements that are responsible for sufficient hydration and fresh aroma.

Has tonic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects. Thanks to the unique composition, Parodontol “Ginger + Mint” helps restore teeth to their natural whiteness. With regular use, the intensity of inflammation is reduced by 55%.

Gum protection + Health

The product complex includes hyaluronic acid and bisabolol. Active substances help reduce inflammation by eliminating harmful bacteria.

The structure of the dental tissue and gums is noticeably strengthened and the tone increases. The unique formula of the product effectively prevents the appearance of carious lesions by protecting teeth from sugar acids.

The cleansing system is called the 3D Effect, due to the fact that the teeth are under a favorable influence from all sides.

On silver water

This product eliminates bacterial deposits and does not leave them the opportunity to re-form. Has a preventive effect on the condition of the gums. Fluoride prevents the formation of caries. It is worth mentioning separately about the special polishing system, with the help of which the enamel is cleaned safely and efficiently.

Medicinal herbs – whitening effect

Thanks to medicinal plants, the composition provides natural anti-inflammatory protection. Teeth enamel is noticeably strengthened and gentle whitening occurs.

Dentists recommend using this product as an aid during the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. And the use of the product in the future will help ensure prevention of oral diseases.

Indications for use

Parodontol is a paste that provides comprehensive care for the oral cavity. It strengthens tooth enamel and prevents gum inflammation. The product has a natural composition and a wide range of products.

Main indications for use of the product:

  • the presence of soft deposits on the surface of the enamel;
  • tartar;
  • bleeding gums;
  • bad breath;
  • enamel sensitivity;
  • microcracks on the surface of the teeth;
  • inflammation of the gums and exacerbation of the symptoms of periodontal disease.

Parodontol cleans teeth from soft and hard plaque as safely and carefully as possible. The toothpaste does not contain coarse abrasives, and some series of the product do not contain fluoride.

Products for adults

The series for older people was created to prevent diseases such as caries, gum disease, periodontal disease, gingivitis, and periodontitis.
All products differ in composition, therapeutic effect and mechanism of action. The choice of a specific product depends on the etiology of the disease and the degree of damage. In addition, pastes can be used in combination with several products.

Healing herbs – natural, gentle care

The paste contains extracts of medicinal plants. The main purpose of the product is to prevent periodontal lesions and has a mild cleansing effect. During cleaning, the enamel is not damaged, a protective film is created against carious formations.

The composition is enriched with a mineral complex, which includes calcium carbonate and silicon dioxide. These substances enrich dentin with calcium, thereby strengthening teeth. Fluoride free.

Sea minerals – sea energy

This toothpaste option is enriched with sea minerals, which are known for their strengthening effects on bone tissue. In addition, the product contains fluoride, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth, restores enamel, strengthens dentin, and prevents the occurrence of caries. Sea salt effectively protects teeth from bacterial deposits.

Sensitive – against tooth sensitivity

Parodontol Sensitive provides gentle care for teeth and oral cavity. The composition is designed to help people with highly sensitive teeth.

After hygiene procedures, the pain from touching goes away, the teeth stop reacting to a temperature stimulus, and the discomfort from gums coming into contact with a hot or cold product disappears.

A soft abrasive system was created especially for this purpose. When using the paste, a soft foam is formed, which ensures gentle cleaning of the teeth. The product does not contain fluoride, which is especially important for those consumers who have an individual intolerance to this substance.

Triple action - triple effect

From the name it is clear that this paste solves three main problems with oral health:

  • prevents the formation of stones;
  • stimulates rapid tissue healing;
  • restores the natural whiteness of teeth.

The unique composition of the Parodontol “Triple Action” toothpaste is able to remove existing stone formations by softening and subsequent separation of surface deposits, and regular use leads to normalization of pH readings in the oral cavity. Fluoride-free product.

Antibacterial protection – STOP bacteria

The composition of the product effectively protects against the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, and the following active substances help in this:

  • triclosan;
  • fluorine;
  • herbal extracts.

Nettle extract has active anti-inflammatory properties and has a high-quality hemostatic effect. This balanced composition provides relief from the inflammatory process and stimulates rapid healing of the gums.

The fluoride content guarantees protection against carious formations. Bacteria are instantly eliminated, preventing pathogenic microflora from developing.

Varieties of the drug for adults

Products for adults are aimed at eliminating signs of gingivitis, periodontitis, and caries. All products are characterized by a therapeutic effect. The choice of a particular paste is made taking into account the dental problems characteristic of a particular person. It is possible to use several series of Parodontol pastes in a complex (one preparation in the morning, and another in the evening). Let's take a closer look at the composition and features of each line of products.

Healing herbs

The drug provides gentle oral care. It contains extracts of medicinal herbs that prevent the exacerbation of signs of periodontitis. The product has not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect: it creates a protective film on the surface of the teeth that protects the enamel from damage by bacteria.

The Medicinal Herbs series also includes silicon dioxide and calcium carbonate, which strengthen enamel and enrich dentin with essential minerals. The drug does not contain fluoride.

Sea minerals

The gel includes minerals that strengthen the bone tissue of the teeth. The paste contains fluoride as an active ingredient. The substance strengthens dentin and has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth in general. Sea salt prevents the formation of hard and soft deposits on elements.


The product is specially designed for the care of sensitive teeth. After using the drug, the enamel's reaction to temperature and chemical stimuli decreases. A distinctive feature of the gel is the presence of a soft abrasive system, which promotes the formation of abundant foam while brushing your teeth. This foam allows you to remove food debris and soft plaque without much mechanical effort. The drug does not contain fluoride, which is very important for people who are intolerant to this substance.

Triple action

From the name of the series it is clear that it has a complex (triple) therapeutic effect: it stimulates the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the mouth, restores the whiteness of the enamel and prevents the formation of stone. The gel is able to eliminate existing hard deposits on the enamel due to their softening and subsequent removal.

With regular use of products from the “Triple Action” series, it will be possible to achieve normalization of the microflora of the mouth. The product also does not contain fluorine or aggressive substances.

Antibacterial protection

The main active ingredient in the gel is triclosan, which is characterized by a powerful antibacterial effect. And the drug also includes fluoride and herbal extracts that have a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Periodontal “Antibacterial protection” has a complex effect: protects the enamel from caries, helping to strengthen it; stimulates the regeneration of soft tissues of the mouth; minimizes signs of inflammatory processes. The drug instantly inhibits the activity of bacterial flora and the effect of its use is noted after just a few days of therapy.

Parodontol "Active"

The drug contains the following active ingredients:

  • Hydroxyapatite is a unique substance used to stimulate the repair and growth of bone tissue. It is also able to penetrate microcracks in the enamel, filling them and preventing the destruction of dentin.
  • Yarrow extract – characterized by powerful hemostatic, astringent and bactericidal properties.
  • Nettle extract – has a strong anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Parodontol "Green tea"

In addition to the plant extract, the gel is enriched with vitamins A and E, which restore damaged oral mucosa. The extract itself contains B vitamins, which are necessary to strengthen the gums.

Parodontol "Cedar"

The complex includes the following components: cedar, pine, juniper extract. The paste contains fluorine and calcium gluconate, which reduce the sensitivity of enamel to external irritants and protect teeth from destruction. Plant components relieve inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues and provide a long-lasting feeling of fresh breath.

Parodontol “With Echinacea”

The drug is intended for people prone to frequent relapses of stomatitis and gingivitis. Among the main substances in the gel are calcium gluconate and echinacea, which together have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and immunomodulatory effects. The product is also recommended for people living in regions with high levels of fluoride in water.

Prof series

The line of products is characterized by therapeutic and prophylactic effects. A distinctive feature of the series is that it has enhanced taste and cooling properties. Pastes from the Prof line provide fresh breath for a long time (12 hours) and help lighten the enamel by several tones.

Let's look at the main types of products belonging to the Prof series:

Paste for sensitive teeth

  • Antibacterial protection – NEW. Maintains normal pH balance in the oral cavity and increases the resistance of tooth enamel to pathogenic microorganisms. Protection against caries is also achieved thanks to the unique formula of the drug, which includes fluoride, triclosan and plant extracts.
  • Ginger+Lime. The last component of the paste contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for oral health. The components protect teeth from premature carious destruction. Ginger is responsible for moisturizing the mucous membranes and providing long-lasting fresh breath. The ingredient has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.
  • Ginger + mint. The drug is recommended for people with darkened enamel. The whitening effect of the product is ensured by a unique abrasive system included in the product. With regular use of the drug, the severity of gum inflammation is reduced by 50%.
  • Gum protection + Health. The product contains hyaluronic acid and bisabolol. In combination, the components have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The product has a unique whitening system called 3D effect. It has a gentle effect on enamel and removes food debris and bacterial plaque from the internal and visible surface of the crown.
  • On silver water. The paste is designed to combat infectious dental diseases and prevent their recurrence. The preventive effect of the product is ensured by the fluoride content in the composition. Thanks to a special polishing system, plaque removal from enamel occurs gently and safely.

Representative of the Parodontol line of toothpastes from the Prof series.


The composition depends on the line and, accordingly, the basic principles of action of the medicinal products:

  1. The “Healing Herbs” series provides gentle natural care. It contains extracts of medicinal plants that gently cleanse and prevent the development of periodontal damage. The formula is also enriched with calcium carbonate and silicon dioxide. No fluoride.
  2. “Sea Minerals” is a paste with minerals that strengthen bone tissue. The formula also contains fluoride, which restores enamel and dentin, preventing the development of initial caries. Sea salt is a natural defense against bacterial deposits.
  3. “Sensitive” is a formula for sensitive teeth. As a result of its regular use, the enamel ceases to react sharply to irritants, and discomfort upon contact with hot and cold foods disappears. The formula provides soft foam, which guarantees gentle plaque removal. There is no fluoride. Read more about toothpastes for sensitive teeth below.
  4. “Triple effect” – removes stones, whitens, accelerates gum healing. It acts gently but effectively, is suitable for constant use, and normalizes the acid-base balance. No fluoride.
  5. Antibacterial protection – formula with herbal extracts, fluorine, triclosan. Relieves inflammation, eliminates bleeding, accelerates healing processes, protects against caries. For more useful information about preventing periodontal disease at home, see this article.

"Parodontal" children's pastes do not contain fluoride, parabens, sugar, allergens, or sodium lauryl sulfate.

Children's products are gentle cleansing formulas that provide gentle care for the child's oral cavity. They do not damage the enamel and keep the first teeth healthy. The formulas are distinguished by a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and provide effective protection against damage to baby teeth. Types of children's pastes:

  • strawberry;
  • fruit icecream;
  • bubble gum;
  • banana Disney Babyc 0+;
  • Strawberry Disney Babyc 0+.

Prof is a therapeutic and prophylactic line of Parodontol toothpastes. All products have a pronounced taste and a pleasant cooling effect. Antibacterial compounds support healthy microflora in the oral cavity and give fresh breath. Active substances – fluorine, triclosan, plant components, polydon.

“Ginger and Lime” paste tones and nourishes soft tissues, “Ginger and Mint” whitens, reduces gum inflammation by up to 55%. The “Gum Protection” formula includes components such as bisabolol and hyaluronic acid, which eliminate pathogenic bacteria and reduce inflammation. The silver water paste has a targeted effect on bacterial deposits, leaving no chance for them to form again, protects the gums, and prevents caries. “Medicinal herbs” of the professional series provide powerful natural protection, strengthen enamel and whiten, and are recommended as a component of the treatment of periodontitis and catarrhal gingivitis.

Children's range of Parodontal pastes

Oral care products for children have a hypoallergenic composition. They do not contain sugars, parabens, fluoride and sodium lauryl sulfate. The gels contain soft abrasives that do not damage the enamel of baby teeth. All children's products of Parodontol products have a pleasant taste (ice cream, chewing gum, fruit) and are characterized by a complex effect: anti-inflammatory, anti-caries. The line of children's products has no age restrictions.

Disney Babyc 0

The gel has no contraindications due to age. Children should brush their teeth under adult supervision. A small amount of gel (no more than a pea) should be used per procedure. The series has several flavors: strawberry, bubble gum, fruit ice cream. Cleansing with the paste should be performed 2 times a day for 2 minutes.

Parodontol Kidz 3–7

The main purpose of the drug is the prevention of caries in preschool children. The soft cleaning system does not harm the fragile enamel of milk elements. The child can easily get used to hygiene procedures thanks to the pleasant and light taste of the gel.

The active components of the paste have several actions:

  • strengthening enamel;
  • relieving inflammation from gums;
  • cleansing from caries;
  • removal of dental plaque.

Parodontol Junior 7+

The drug is intended for oral care in children over 7 years of age. It has a pleasant mint taste.

Assortment for children

Children's toothpastes do not contain allergens, sugar, fluoride, parabens, or sodium lauryl sulfates. All products are created on the basis of a soft cleansing formula that provides gentle care for the child’s oral cavity. The enamel structure is not damaged, the health of the first teeth is preserved.

All products in the series have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect against early caries in baby teeth, which subsequently threatens the health of permanent teeth.

All children's products have a pleasant taste and aroma of fruit, ice cream, and chewing gum. There are no contraindications based on age.

The main caveat is that brushing your teeth should be done under the strict supervision of your parents. For one application, use no more than a pea-sized amount of paste.

The series includes the following pastes:

  • with strawberry aroma;
  • fruit icecream;
  • bubble gum;
  • Disney Babyc 0+ - with banana flavor;
  • Disney Babyc 0+ - with strawberry flavor.

Brushing your teeth should be done twice a day for two minutes. To teach your child to maintain oral hygiene, at first it is better to brush his teeth with him, thereby showing him by example the importance of this activity.

Reviews from dentists and patients about the paste

Pediatric dentist, Ilona Andreevna. All products of Parodontol pastes are distinguished by their multifunctional action. I would especially like to note the line of products for children, which does not contain sugars and fluoride, because to maintain the health of baby teeth, you should not use gels with such constituent substances again.

Alina, 28. I especially love Parodontol Sensitive paste. Using it when signs of periodontitis begin. However, I try to constantly change the series of products from the manufacturer so that I don’t get used to any one product.

Marina, 31. I suffered from bleeding gums for several years until I tried Parodontol Prof paste with silver water. I noticed the effect of using the drug already on the 3rd day, and after a week the gums stopped bleeding completely.

The most popular toothpastes that do not contain fluoride

Consumer reviews and expert advice helped us create a rating of fluoride-free toothpastes.


  • produced by the Glaxo Smih Klin group of companies (Slovakia);
  • active ingredients: sodium bicarbonate (soda), mineral salts;
  • cost 170-200 rubles.

Paradontax toothpaste without fluoride has a salty taste and an unusual color (pink-brown), which is due to its natural composition: it contains extracts of sage, mint, myrrh, chamomile, echinacea, and ratania. Dentists recommend using it for people with bleeding gums and for the treatment of stomatitis.


foams well, removes plaque, effectively fights periodontal disease.


It has a unique taste that takes some time to get used to.

President Unique

  • produced by the Italian company Betafarma SPA;
  • contains: calcium lactate, calcium pantothenate, calcium glyceroformate;
  • cost: from 180 to 250 rubles.

In addition to 3 active components containing calcium, this paste contains the enzyme papain, which easily destroys and removes plaque, and xylitol, which neutralizes the acidic environment in the oral cavity. Recommended for the prevention of caries and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.


protects against caries and sensitivity of tooth enamel, prevents inflammation of the gums, enhances the shine of the enamel.


It is not recommended for daily use, since the pain-relieving additives contained in its composition do not allow timely diagnosis of caries.


  • manufactured by Neobio (Germany);
  • active substance: calcium carbonate;
  • cost: 150-200 rub.

Neobio fluoride-free toothpaste does not contain chemical components; silicic acid is used as an abrasive and carrageenan from seaweed is used as a thickener. It contains herbal components that protect against gum inflammation: witch hazel, rosemary, chamomile, sage, myrrh, peppermint oil.


a natural product that effectively removes plaque and protects against gum inflammation, has a pleasant taste, and freshens breath well and for a long time.


not noticed.

ROCS 1 Calcum

  • made in Russia;
  • active ingredients: calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride, bromelain;
  • cost 230-250 rub.

Active components protect the oral cavity from harmful microorganisms, protect the enamel from destruction by increasing its acid resistance, normalize the microflora and prevent plaque from forming on the teeth during the day.


can be used if the enamel is overly sensitive, since it does not contain abrasive substances;


cost, liquid consistency.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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