12 best toothpastes for periodontitis and periodontal disease

Updated: 05/05/2020 16:15:53

*Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Periodontitis and periodontal disease are periodontal diseases. The latter refers to the tissues surrounding and holding the tooth. Often these 2 pathologies are confused with each other. However, they have different causes, symptoms and therapeutic tactics. Periodontitis is characterized by an inflammatory process. And periodontal disease usually occurs without it, although in some cases it may be present.

Distinctive features of periodontitis and periodontal disease

For ease of perception, we have collected the signs, causes and consequences of periodontitis and periodontal disease in a table:

Criteria for comparison Periodontitis Periodontal disease
Causes Poor oral hygiene, dental plaque, a number of systemic diseases, poor family history, weak immunity Possible development factors: heredity, gastrointestinal pathologies, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus
Frequency of propagation Diagnosed in more than 80% of the population Very rare (2-3% of patients)
Clinical manifestations Inflammatory process Dystrophic tissue changes
Character of the course The symptoms are pronounced, the inflammatory process develops quickly Most often it is asymptomatic or indolent
Localization May affect individual teeth or the entire jaw Always affects both jaws
Bleeding gums Is the first symptom In most cases it is not observed
Tooth mobility May be present at first, but with proper treatment it is completely eliminated Appears very late, when the periodontium is affected by half or even more
Periodontal swelling Present in most cases Not visible
Presence of pockets of dentogingival localization The depth of periodontal pockets depends on the severity of the pathological process May be shallow or completely absent
Increased sensitivity of enamel Individual necks of teeth may become exposed Accompanied by chipped enamel in the cervical part
Teeth position With moderate to severe periodontitis, fan-shaped divergence of teeth may occur. Clear gaps appear between teeth

For periodontitis, if treatment is selected correctly and started immediately, the patient can count on rapid elimination of symptoms and stopping the progression of the pathology. And since periodontal disease is a systemic disease, without obvious clinical signs, to achieve stable remission the patient needs lifelong preventive therapy.

It is important to choose the right toothpastes for daily oral hygiene in such pathologies. Ideally, it should be recommended by a dentist based on the condition of your gums and teeth. Medicinal toothpastes should be a priority. They may be marketed as anti-inflammatory or anti-bleeding gums. In this review we will look at the best of them.

Rating of the best toothpastes for periodontitis and periodontal disease

NominationplaceName of productprice
The best anti-inflammatory toothpastes1BioRepair Plus Parodontgel790 ₽
2ROCS Gum balm240 ₽
3Dental Clinic 2080 Medicinal herbs and biosalts122 ₽
4Revidont with Neovitin250 ₽
5Asepta Parodontal Active190 ₽
6AltaiBio Cedar-fir88 ₽
The best toothpastes to stop bleeding1President Active237 ₽
2Parodontax with fluoride171 ₽
3Lacalut active181 ₽
4Splat Active87 ₽
5Parodontol antibacterial60 ₽
6Forest balm for bleeding gums42 ₽

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gum disease

Consulting specialist

Orlova Elena Vladimirovna

Doctor rating: 9.5 out of 10 (2) Specialization: Dentist-therapist Experience: 33 years

The best anti-inflammatory toothpastes

Anti-inflammatory toothpastes for periodontitis and periodontal disease will give noticeable results if used along with drug therapy. Often such pastes contain serious components that cannot be used on an ongoing basis. If you use them not in courses, but systematically, dysbacteriosis may develop.

BioRepair Plus Parodontgel

Popularity rating:* 4.9

The Italian company BioRepair produces Plus Parodontgel toothpaste. It contains microcrystals of medical hydroxyapatite, similar to natural hydroxyapatite, which is part of bones and teeth. Extracts of witch hazel, calendula, and spirulina have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes sensitive periodontal tissue, prevents inflammation, and stimulates healing.

Biorepair Parodontgel Plus is packaged in 75 ml tubes. The product has a pasty white consistency and a pleasant, not harsh, minty taste. For periodontitis and periodontal disease, the manufacturer recommends squeezing a small pea of ​​paste onto a brush and brushing your teeth with it in a circle. Plus complement this with delicate gum massage. After this, when rinsing, the liquid should be held for 20-30 seconds.

According to reviews, this Italian paste can make periodontal tissue pink and healthy. This product effectively removes blood from your toothbrush, eliminates swelling, and heals wounds. The increased sensitivity of the periodontium disappears after the first few uses. It also gives a pleasant feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Its use in the initial stages of periodontitis will allow you to postpone a trip to the dentist. The only thing that bothers some people is that this paste is quickly used up.


  • well thought out, multi-component composition;
  • does not contain SLS, parabens, titanium dioxide;
  • pleasant consistency and taste;
  • quickly eliminates hypersensitivity;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • relieves bleeding.


  • quickly consumed.

ROCS Gum balm

Popularity rating:* 4.8

The next nominee in the review was the Gum Balm toothpaste from the popular Russian brand ROCS. This product contains a natural anti-inflammatory complex based on medicinal plant extracts. This product does not contain fluoride, antiseptics or synthetic dyes. When using this Balm, you can forget about blood on the toothbrush and inflammation that appears with periodontitis.

ROCS toothpaste has a creamy, thin consistency. It smells pleasantly of mint and is white in color. Its aftertaste is slightly salty. Considering that this product is called a “balm,” to achieve the best effect, you need to spit out the excess paste after the hygiene procedure, but do not rinse your mouth. And then do not eat or drink for another 30-40 minutes.

Consumers share that inflammation during periodontitis begins to subside already on the 3rd day of using this product. Along with this, teeth are perfectly cleaned of plaque, and your breath becomes fresh for a long time. With periodontitis and periodontal disease, it can be just a godsend. This paste can be used on an ongoing basis. It is very economical in use. But for some, due to xylitol, it seems very sweet.


  • contains a natural anti-inflammatory complex;
  • pleasant mint taste and aroma;
  • You don’t have to rinse your mouth after using this product;
  • quickly relieves inflammation on the gums;
  • reduces bleeding;
  • one tube lasts a long time.


  • Too sweet for some due to xylitol.

Dental Clinic 2080 Medicinal herbs and biosalts

Popularity rating:* 4.7

Toothpaste, owned by the Korean brand Aekyung, contains extracts of honeysuckle, dandelion, wormwood, chamomile, thyme, pine oil, biosalt, vitamins E and B. It is designed to maintain healthy and youthful gums. This product is designed to prevent periodontitis and periodontal disease. Can be used by adults and children from 6 years of age.

This toothpaste is sold in a plastic tube. It has a convenient lid that can be removed by squeezing it from the side and closed by snapping it into place. The consistency of the paste resembles a gel. Its color is striped (pearl-honey), its aroma is herbal. Salty notes are immediately felt in the taste. The product is consumed economically. Foaming is average, but this is quite enough for high-quality cleansing.

Consumers respond very well to this Korean toothpaste. They love how this product relieves inflammation associated with periodontitis and periodontal disease. At the same time, the product makes the enamel less sensitive and your breath fresher. During the cleansing process, the product does not burn or burn your lips. But at the same time, not everyone may like the obvious salty aftertaste.


  • good combination of salts and herbal ingredients;
  • inflammation during periodontitis is stopped;
  • protects gums from bleeding;
  • pleasant taste characteristics of the paste;
  • convenient lid on the tube;
  • The paste lasts a long time.


  • Not everyone likes the salty aftertaste.

Revidont with Neovitin

Popularity rating:* 4.6

The Russian company NPTsRIZ produces Revidont toothpaste with Neovitin. This product contains the following active ingredients: birch bark extract “Betulavit”, complex “Activitin” (chamomile, sage, calendula, St. John’s wort), complex “Neovitin” (ginseng biomass). This product is recommended for the effective prevention of periodontitis and periodontal disease, protecting the oral cavity from allergies and candidiasis.

Revidont toothpaste with Neovitin is packaged in soft tubes. Its consistency is creamy. The color of the paste is white, and the taste and aroma is dominated by lemon. The product produces a sufficient amount of foam while brushing your teeth. It is very comfortable to use. The product is used very economically. The enamel does not stain. Revidont with Neovitin specifically affects the tissues surrounding the roots and neck of the tooth.

According to reviews, this Russian toothpaste significantly reduces pain and swelling during periodontitis and periodontal disease, and prevents the appearance of blood during brushing. With the systematic use of Revidont with Neovitin, you can count on preventing the destruction of periodontal tissue. The plant extracts in the composition perfectly relieve inflammation and heal wounds in the mouth. This paste also gently but efficiently removes plaque.


  • innovative composition;
  • pleasant taste characteristics;
  • delicate to use;
  • economically used;
  • quickly stops the inflammatory process;
  • excellent prevention of periodontitis.


  • not identified.

Asepta Parodontal Active

Popularity rating:* 4.5

The Russian pharmaceutical company Vertex produces Asepta Parodontal Active toothpaste. This product contains extracts of sage, calendula and St. John's wort, which have a pronounced antimicrobial effect and quickly relieve inflammation. Other active ingredients include xylitol and the enzyme papain. You can completely forget about inflammation and blood on your toothbrush during periodontitis with this paste.

Asepta Parodontal Active is sold in a laminated tube (75 ml). This paste is creamy in consistency and has a pleasant mint color. The taste smells of lime and mint. It is soft, not scalding, but very refreshing. The manufacturer recommends brushing your teeth with this product for 3 minutes 2 times a day. Asepta Active has average foaming and is used quite economically.

Consumers confirm that with this product it is possible to get rid of severe inflammatory processes and bleeding during periodontitis. Asepta Parodontal Active significantly improves the hygienic condition of the oral cavity. The product rinses out completely and does not leave a soapy aftertaste. But at the same time, some consumers note that after using this paste their enamel becomes more sensitive. Therefore, they do not recommend using it all the time.


  • good combination of composition components;
  • pleasant taste;
  • the tube lasts a long time;
  • solves the problem of bleeding during periodontitis;
  • stops the inflammatory process;
  • does not leave a soapy aftertaste.


  • For some, it causes increased sensitivity of the enamel.

AltaiBio Cedar-fir

Popularity rating:* 4.4

Russian toothpaste AltaiBio Cedar-fir contains 5 plant extracts, menthol, sodium fluoride and colloidal silver concentrate. This product has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used to prevent periodontitis and periodontal disease. AltaiBio Cedar-fir can be used for hygienic manipulations every day.

The toothpaste is packaged in plastic tubes in quantities of 100 g. It is quite dense and does not spread when squeezed onto a brush. Her color is white. The taste is fir with a mint aftertaste and a taste of pine nuts. The aroma is tart, but quite pleasant. The paste foams weakly, but for many this is a plus. The method of use of this remedy for periodontitis is standard.

Many people speak very highly of AltaiBio Cedar-fir toothpaste. They confirm that it eliminates bleeding during brushing and perfectly eliminates the inflammatory process and pain associated with periodontitis. Makes periodontal tissue more dense. In order to prevent periodontitis and periodontal disease, many people choose this particular product. But some are confused by the fact that, along with very useful active ingredients, this paste contains parabens.


  • a good set of active components;
  • pleasant texture, taste and aroma;
  • periodontal tissues stop bleeding;
  • heals minor injuries in the oral cavity;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process.


  • contains parabens.

Clinical researches

Repeated clinical studies have proven that regular use of preventive toothpaste ASEPTA ACTIVE for a month can reduce bleeding gums by 60%, improve the overall condition of the oral cavity by 44% and reduce inflammation by 33%.


  1. Clinical and laboratory assessment of the influence of domestic therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste based on plant extracts on the condition of the oral cavity in patients with simple marginal gingivitis. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Elovikova T.M.1, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Ermishina E.Yu. 2, Doctor of Technical Sciences Associate Professor Belokonova N.A. 2 Department of Therapeutic Dentistry USMU1, Department of General Chemistry USMU2
  2. Clinical studies of antisensitive toothpaste “Asepta Sensitive” (A.A. Leontyev, O.V. Kalinina, S.B. Ulitovsky) A.A. LEONTIEV, dentist O.V. KALININA, dentist S.B. ULITOVSKY, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova
  3. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of toothpaste “ASEPTA PLUS” GENTLE WHITENING” Author: doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry
  4. Report on the determination/confirmation of the preventive properties of personal oral hygiene products “ASEPTA PLUS” Remineralization doctor-researcher A.A. Leontyev, head Department of Preventive Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S.B. Ulitovsky First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, Department of Preventive Dentistry

The best toothpastes to stop bleeding

Pastes that protect periodontal tissues from bleeding often have the prefix Active in their name. The presence of the latter indicates that this remedy is suitable for use in periodontal diseases. They can be effective in combating bad breath if it is caused by gum disease.

President Active

Popularity rating:* 4.9

Italian President Active toothpaste contains triclosan, which is a fairly strong antimicrobial agent. By eliminating pathogenic microorganisms, it reduces bleeding gums. Also among the active ingredients there is hawthorn, which strengthens gums and heals capillaries, as well as sanguinaria, which improves blood clotting and fights inflammation.

The volume of President Active paste in the tube is 75 ml. It is quite thick, has a white color, a pleasant mint aroma and taste. When squeezed onto the brush, it does not flow down. Foams quite weak. This remedy is medicinal, so it should be used only as needed. The course of its use during exacerbation of periodontitis should not exceed 2-3 weeks.

According to reviews, President Active fully lives up to the manufacturer's promises. This is an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent for periodontitis and periodontal disease. After just 2-3 days of using this product, there is no blood left on the brush. In the oral cavity, the inflammatory process and swelling associated with periodontitis are eliminated. It also effectively removes plaque from teeth and makes your breath fresh.


  • good combination of medicinal components;
  • pleasant aroma and taste;
  • eliminates the problem of bleeding during periodontitis;
  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • refreshes for a long time.


  • not all components of the composition are safe.

Parodontax with fluoride

Popularity rating:* 4.8

Toothpaste from Slovenia Parodontax with fluoride contains the following active ingredients:

mineral salt, ratania, sage, peppermint, myrrh, chamomile, echinacea. This product is suitable for the prevention and treatment of periodontitis and periodontal disease. Parodontax is specially designed to eliminate plaque, reduce bleeding of periodontal tissues, and also to prevent caries.

Parodontax paste with fluoride is characterized by a dense consistency. When applied to the brush, it will not spread. The texture contains small grains. Her color is dusty pink. Instead of the usual sweet sensation, the paste gives a strong salty taste (due to the minerals and salts it contains). This product is recommended for use by persons over 14 years of age.

Parodontax with fluoride copes well with all the main manifestations of periodontitis. After only 5-7 days of using this paste, you can forget about the appearance of blood while brushing your teeth. Periodontal tissues acquire a healthy pink appearance, their swelling is eliminated, and minor damage is healed. This product also perfectly cleanses enamel and freshens breath.


  • excellent combination of salt and herbal ingredients;
  • relieves bleeding from periodontitis;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process, swelling;
  • effectively fights bad breath;
  • effectively cleans enamel from plaque.


  • specific taste.

Lacalut active

Popularity rating:* 4.7

German Lacalut aktiv toothpaste is created for people suffering from inflammatory gum diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis. It contains aluminum lactate, which tightens loose gums and reduces their bleeding. Fluoride in the paste strengthens the enamel and protects it from caries. The effective and safe abrasiveness of toothpaste allows you to effectively remove plaque and bacteria from the enamel.

Lacalut aktiv is a medicinal paste and should be used in courses. It is placed in a soft plastic tube. Its consistency is dense, its color is white. It has a pleasant, minty taste. After using the paste, a slight astringent sensation and pleasant freshness remain in the oral cavity. After cleansing, the remaining product should be spat out, but not rinsed, so that the active ingredients remain in contact with the periodontal tissue longer.

From consumer reviews it follows that in the initial stages of periodontitis Lacalut aktiv can be a real godsend. This paste perfectly fights bleeding and strengthens periodontal tissue. It also copes very well with plaque and tartar. But many note that after just a week of using this product, the sensitivity of their tooth enamel increases.


  • aluminum lactate in the composition;
  • pleasant taste characteristics;
  • perfectly eliminates the first symptoms of periodontitis;
  • copes well with plaque and tartar.


  • increases enamel sensitivity.

Splat Active

Popularity rating:* 4.7

Russian toothpaste Splat Active contains highly effective extracts of medicinal plants and is intended for the prevention of periodontitis. Extracts of Baikal skullcap, bergenia and spirulina are responsible for stopping bleeding and anti-inflammatory effect. And the presence of vitamins A and E makes this product an antioxidant.

Splat Active differs from many toothpastes in its color. It is dark brown because it contains natural plant extracts. The consistency of the paste is gel, quite thick and dense. It is homogeneous without grains or inclusions. The aroma is pleasant, herbal, the taste is sweetish. The foaming of the product is average. The paste is contained in a soft plastic tube with a durable screw cap.

Gums prone to bleeding are under excellent protection with Splat Active. It eliminates inflammatory processes well and prevents the development of periodontitis and periodontal disease. This product also perfectly cleanses teeth of plaque and permanently eliminates unpleasant odor in the mouth. This paste does not increase tooth sensitivity and even promotes their reminalization.


  • highly effective extracts of medicinal plants in the composition;
  • pleasant taste, aroma, consistency;
  • tissues stop bleeding;
  • eliminates unpleasant odor in the mouth for a long time;
  • perfectly cleans plaque.


  • Some people are confused by the color of the paste.

Parodontol antibacterial

Popularity rating:* 4.5

Russian antibacterial toothpaste Parodontol is designed to protect against periodontitis and caries. Nettle and plantain extracts can stop bleeding and relieve inflammation. They also stimulate the healing of inflamed periodontal tissues. And the presence of triclosan in the composition reliably protects against bacteria.

Parodontol antibacterial paste has a pleasant creamy white consistency, without grains. Its aroma is minty and moderately expressed. The taste is sweetish. This product foams very well. Used economically. The paste comes in a soft plastic tube with a small screw cap. Additionally, it is packed in cardboard boxes.

Many people really like the effect of using this toothpaste. In reviews, they note that their periodontal tissues stop bleeding and quickly acquire a healthy, pink color. Tooth enamel feels great after using this product. And also many are pleased with the very affordable price of this product, so they choose it for the prevention of periodontitis and periodontal disease.


  • extracts of nettle and plantain in the composition;
  • pleasant texture, taste, aroma;
  • affordable price;
  • periodontal tissues stop bleeding;
  • improves the condition of tooth enamel.


  • not identified.

Forest balm for bleeding gums

Popularity rating:* 4.4

Toothpaste from the brand Kalina - Forest Balm for bleeding gums contains oak and fir bark extract, as well as a decoction of five medicinal herbs, including chamomile and nettle. This remedy makes blood vessels stronger, eliminates bleeding, and has an antimicrobial effect in periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Forest balsam has a creamy, uniform consistency and a pleasant green color. It is thick enough and does not slip off the brush. Its taste is herbal with a clear dominance of fir. It is finely abrasive and very delicately cleanses the oral cavity. The foaming of the paste is average. After hygienic manipulations, no greenish color remains on the teeth, tongue, and gums.

According to reviews, Forest Balm very quickly solves the problem of bleeding and inflammation during periodontitis. After using this paste, the feeling of freshness in the mouth remains for a long time. Many people really like this budget and high-quality product. When using this paste as a course, you can safely gnaw on apples and carrots without fear of blood appearing on your gums. For the prevention of periodontitis and periodontal disease, many people choose Forest Balsam.


  • well thought out composition;
  • pleasant aroma and taste;
  • forms a sufficient amount of foam;
  • reduces bleeding and pain during periodontitis;
  • Good breath freshener.


  • not identified.

*The popularity rating is based on an analysis of demand data from the wordstat.yandex.ru service.

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