Plasmolifting for bone tissue growth (platelet augmentation)

Healthy gums are important for dental health. But many people often have problems associated with the development of various gum diseases, the most common of which are periodontitis, periodontal disease and gingivitis. As a result, a person feels pain and discomfort, teeth become loose and fall out over time, and an unpleasant odor emanates from the oral cavity.

But don't despair! The problem can be solved. Thanks to the rapid development of dentistry, new methods of therapy are constantly appearing, among which plasmolifting of the gums occupies a special place. ,

or injection therapy. This method, which has no analogues, was developed in 2004 by Russian scientists and immediately gained wide popularity.

Injection therapy has received official recognition in Russia. Its safety is confirmed by ISO and CE certificates.

What is gum plasma lifting?

The term “plasmolifting” is used by dentists to refer to the injection of plasma with a high platelet content. It is separated from the patient’s own blood and injected into the gums. This autoplasma is rich in proteins, enzymes and hormones, and therefore promotes the regeneration of the oral mucosa and bone tissue. It triggers natural mechanisms of cell renewal and collagen growth, relieves inflammation, supplies tissues with oxygen and increases local immunity. As a result of the injection, it is possible to reduce or completely eliminate gum bleeding, return them to their original structure and color, and reduce tooth mobility.

How is the procedure done?

Before prescribing plasma lifting, the dentist refers the patient to diagnostic examinations, which include a panoramic image of the oral cavity.

Sequence of the procedure:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • cleaning dental plaque;
  • blood sampling (about 15 milliliters of liquid will be needed);
  • placing blood in special tubes;
  • placing the tubes in a centrifuge (the procedure is carried out immediately after blood collection), where, as a result of rotation at high speed, the plasma is separated from leukocytes and erythrocytes (the procedure takes 5-10 minutes);
  • filling a syringe with autoplasma;
  • injections into the gums.

The number of sessions is determined by the dentist based on the condition of the oral cavity.

To prevent the development of periodontal disease, it is recommended to perform plasma lifting of the gums every 3 months.

Plasmolifting procedure in dentistry

A small amount of blood is taken from the patient - about 10 milliliters, and platelet-rich plasma is separated from it using a centrifuge and test tubes. The doctor makes injections into the damaged areas of the gums:

  • places of installation of implants and osteosynthesis;
  • holes left after tooth extraction;
  • sinus lift areas;
  • and other areas of the oral cavity where there is inflammation.

The drug begins to act almost instantly, improving blood circulation and metabolism in cells.

How is the procedure performed?

A person's blood is taken in the required amount (on average, about 15 ml), after which it is sent to a special apparatus for separating plasma. As a result, the doctor receives a concentrated substance that contains a certain amount of platelets and a specific protein.

It is these components that use their own cells in damaged areas and activate regenerative processes, including tissue repair.

After the initial examination, the doctor gives recommendations and begins the procedure with the preparatory stage. This includes the patient following a 3-day diet (complete exclusion of fried and fatty foods) and a week of abstinence from alcoholic beverages.

Step-by-step implementation of this technique:

  • On the day of the procedure, blood is drawn from the patient.
  • The periodontal site is numbed (local anesthesia).
  • A yellow substance is injected.

The procedure itself is not painful and the injection of plasma is almost imperceptible.

Efficiency of the procedure

The main advantage of plasma lifting is that it is absolutely safe, since it uses the patient’s own blood, the biological compatibility of which is 100%. Plasma injection does not cause an allergic reaction or rejection, is not toxic and cannot become a source of infection. At the same time, it goes well with any necessary drug treatment.

Plasmolifting of the gums does not take more than 10 minutes and is absolutely painless. The procedure has proven effectiveness, and the first results are visible within just a few days.

How plasma lifting helps:

  • pain is reduced;
  • accelerates tissue healing after gum incision or tooth extraction;
  • eliminates bleeding gums;
  • the chances of implants engrafting increase;
  • the anatomical shape of soft tissues is restored;
  • healing of the hole is accelerated;
  • periodontal tissues are strengthened.

For effective treatment of chronic diseases, experts recommend repeating autoplasma injections every three months.

Effectiveness of the procedure

Using this technique you can eliminate:

  • tooth mobility;
  • bleeding gums;
  • discolored periodontal tissue;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • the risk of rejection of installed implants is reduced;
  • pain and inflammation.

As a rule, plasma lifting is required every 3 months until a positive effect is achieved. The first results will be noticeable within 2 weeks. Despite the complete safety of plasma lifting, after the procedure you may notice swelling and bruising. You should not be afraid of these phenomena, since they will completely disappear within a few days. If other reactions occur, you should immediately inform your doctor.

Reviews about gum plasma lifting are only positive and you can see this for yourself.

Pre-registration is available at our center ☎ +7 (862) 246-35-56 or +7 (988) 400-5-666. You can also get any additional advice over the phone.

Are there any negative reviews?

This procedure, as a rule, does not cause side effects or unpleasant health consequences. Complications can only occur if the blood is infected during the collection process, but this can be resolved by a responsible approach to the choice of dentistry.

After injections, slight redness at the injection sites, bruising and swelling are acceptable, but these manifestations disappear within a few days.

It should be noted that the plasma lifting procedure is relatively new, so it is not practiced in all clinics. And the need to use special equipment to separate plasma makes it relatively expensive.

Benefits of plasma lifting

Injection therapy is a natural method and is completely safe. Since the patient is injected with his own plasma, the risk of allergic manifestations, infection and rejection is eliminated.

Compared to other methods, plasma lifting has many advantages:

  • hypoallergenic and safe;
  • no side effects;
  • quick results;
  • the effect lasts for a long time;
  • recovery processes are started;
  • there is no need to use antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents.

Plasmolifting - contraindications and indications

Injections and clots obtained from autoplasma are prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • with gingivitis (bleeding and loose gums);
  • with generalized or localized periodontitis 1 - 3 degrees;
  • during implantation surgery (to reduce the likelihood of artificial root rejection);
  • with complex tooth extraction and alveolitis;
  • for complications after maxillofacial operations;
  • to stimulate local immunity;
  • as a prophylaxis for catarrhal processes in the oral cavity;
  • during reimplantation.

Plasmolifting in dentistry is considered a safe procedure, which is confirmed by numerous certificates, as well as compliance with international ISO and CE standards.

Benefits of using blood plasma

The introduction of a platelet membrane naturally activates cellular growth factors of the jaw bone and periodontal tissues, increasing the rate of recovery. Regeneration and acceptance of implants or bone material by the body is much faster, and the likelihood of inflammation is significantly minimized.

Blood plasma membranes have a positive effect on:

  • increase in the rate of cellular growth factor in the bone after implantation;
  • absence of allergies that could occur when interacting with foreign materials;
  • accelerated gum recovery after implantation or plastic surgery;
  • prevention of inflammation around the implant;
  • reduction of swelling and pain after surgical procedures;
  • optimal tightening of the socket after tooth extraction;
  • minimizing inflammation during gingival curettage and cleaning periodontal pockets.


Plasmolifting is a new technique that can treat inflammatory processes and provide reliable prevention of healthy gums, which is based on local stimulation of the process of tissue regeneration.

The main objective of this procedure is to relieve inflammation and activate natural processes aimed at restoring the structure of the gums and reducing the destructive effects on bone tissue. During the plasma lifting procedure, an injection of plasma is injected into the problem area of ​​the gum, which is obtained from the patient’s blood. In order to obtain plasma, the required amount of blood is taken (approximately 15 milliliters) and placed in a special centrifuge in which the plasma is separated from the blood. After such treatment, the specialist receives a plasma concentrate containing the maximum amount of platelets, proteins and autologous platelet growth factors necessary to accelerate tissue regeneration processes.

Indications for plasma lifting

  • gingivitis - inflammation of the gums, accompanied by swelling and bleeding
  • periodontitis (including generalized, grade 1-3) is an infectious disease that affects periodontal tissue, requires complex treatment and, in an advanced stage, can lead to tooth loss
  • alveolitis - inflammation of the tooth socket, which most often develops after its removal
  • reimplantitis is an inflammatory process that affects gum tissue after implantation, in severe cases leading to the need to remove the implant
  • after implantation or tooth extraction
  • prevention of periodontal tissue diseases

Plasmolifting is used not only for the treatment of dental diseases, but also as a preventive measure against inflammatory processes in gum tissue.

Benefits of plasma lifting

  • treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity without the use of antibiotics
  • the procedure can be used in the treatment of various diseases, including those that are difficult to treat
  • allows you to stop bleeding and sensitivity of the gums, reduce tooth mobility and maintain their integrity
  • eliminates pain
  • eliminates bleeding gums
  • wound healing occurs faster
  • as the bone tissue and gums heal, the unpleasant odor disappears
  • improves gum color and structure

Preparation for the plasma lifting procedure

To achieve the maximum effect from plasma lifting, you need high-quality blood, so preparation for the procedure is very important. Since plasma is collected from the patient himself, it is very important a few weeks before the manipulation to adjust the diet and lifestyle, as well as undergo a series of tests.

  • nutrition - you should give up soda, sweets, heavy and junk food and fill your diet with fresh fruits, berries, healthy vegetables, do not forget to eat meat (especially beef)
  • vitamins - if the patient’s tests showed a deficiency of vitamins or any important components, it is necessary to undergo a recovery course
  • giving up alcohol and smoking - at least a week before the procedure, otherwise the patient may not have a clear effect from plasma lifting
  • dental treatment - before the procedure it is necessary to sanitation the oral cavity
  • Before plasma lifting, you should not take medications that affect blood clotting: pro- and anticoagulants, medications that contain aspirin


Contraindications for gum plasma lifting include hepatitis and infectious diseases. With such pathologies, the composition of the blood tends to change quickly, so plasma lifting is impossible.

It is strictly forbidden to administer autoplasma injections for malignant neoplasms in any organ, mental illness, HIV and pathologies of the circulatory system (anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis, blood clotting disorders, hemoblastosis, etc.). Also, the procedure is not performed in case of allergic reactions to heparin, which is part of the biomaterial.

Plasmolifting gives a very good effect, but it is worth noting that this is not a one-time procedure. On average, procedures are prescribed once every three months. The first positive changes are noticeable almost immediately.

Before the procedure, you must visit a periodontist to thoroughly collect anamnesis and identify possible diseases, as well as to obtain detailed information about the procedure and preparation for it.

You can make an appointment with a dentist using a special online booking form on our website or by phone.

Underwater rocks

The safety of plasma lifting is guaranteed by strict adherence to all stages of the procedure. The main risk is related to sterility: it is important to protect the blood being processed from bacteria and viruses. Hence the strict requirements for the knowledge of the person applying the technique and for the technical equipment of the clinic. The greatest danger comes from hidden infections that a person has not said anything about or does not know that he has. This reduces the effectiveness of plasma lifting, since the blood must initially be healthy. Cells weakened by the disease will not bring tangible changes.

When can you see the first results after plasma lifting?

The effect will not be noticeable in the first minutes after the procedure. It will take about two weeks for a visible picture, and the patient’s full recovery after plasmolifting of the gums will be in approximately a month.

So, how many plasmolifting procedures with your own plasma do you need to do to see the effect?

  • for minor damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, one procedure is sufficient;
  • in case of obvious destruction, atrophy, inflammation and serious pathologies, the patient will need approximately two procedures, with the interval between them should be approximately 90 - 100 days.


Inflamed tooth and gum tissues without quality therapy provokes loosening of the masticatory organs, and then their loss. Plasmolifting during tooth extraction is an important step on the path to a healthy oral cavity, which is a prerequisite for prosthetics and implantation. The cost of the procedure depends on the volume of the lesion and the characteristics of the therapy. The sooner you see a dentist, the easier and faster the treatment will be, and the more favorable the prognosis will be. Redness of the mucous membrane disappears within 3-7 hours after manipulation, swelling – within a day. Besides:

  • Bleeding is eliminated;
  • Periodontal diseases are prevented;
  • Pain is relieved, mobility of masticatory organs is reduced;
  • Breath becomes fresh;
  • The gums acquire an anatomical shape and physiological color;
  • The healing of the holes is accelerated;
  • The progression of periodontal pathologies stops;
  • The risk of pin rejection is reduced;
  • Improves survival rate of rods and wound healing;

Blood substance activates the most important processes in the body - growth and regeneration at the cellular level. The result of therapy lasts for a long time, since the return of cells to a passive state takes a long time. After starting the recovery mechanism, the first results are visible in 5-7 days.

Treatment of gums with plasma lifting

If the patient has no contraindications to this procedure, then it is completely safe for him. After all, the composition for injections is obtained directly from his plasma, so its administration cannot cause any adverse reactions in the patient. A medicinal product made from components native to his body will be natural for the patient and will definitely not cause undesirable consequences.

If the patient has increased bleeding gums, the technique will prove its effectiveness as soon as at least one procedure is performed. It will lead to a significant reduction in blood loss from the gums. The advanced plasma lifting technique used in dentistry is highly effective. It is absolutely natural, safe for the patient and is a serious tool for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases.

TOP 8 strict contraindications for plasma lifting

Despite the extensive positive effect of the gum plasma lifting technique, the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • diseases of the hematopoietic system and organ diseases that affect the composition of the blood;
  • violation of the blood clotting process;
  • cancer diseases;
  • the presence of serious general diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, immunodeficiency;
  • severe problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • all kinds of acute inflammation.

Therefore, before carrying out the gum plasma lifting procedure, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, take a general and biochemical blood test, and identify and treat diseases. If you do not follow the recommendations of experts, instead of a progressive positive result from plasma administration, serious health problems may arise.

Plasmapheresis - obtaining a membrane from blood plasma

For the plasmapheresis procedure, not blood from a vein is used, but plasma from centrifuged blood. When injecting autoplasma, the tissues of the oral mucosa are saturated with nutrients. The material is otherwise referred to as “platelet-rich plasma” containing platelet concentrate.

Effectiveness is ensured by plasma with a large number of platelets in 1 μl. To achieve such saturation of the biomaterial, plasmapheresis is necessary.

1. Up to 20 ml of blood is drawn from the patient's elbow.

2. To separate the blood into its constituent components and separate unnecessary elements, it is centrifuged twice in a test tube for 15 minutes.

3. The necessary components are removed - plasma and fibrin clot.

Platelets, fibrin and biologically active substances are saturated, transforming into autoplasma. An injection is given into the marginal gum, interdental papilla or gingival projection of the tooth root.

Also, the remaining fibrin clot (membrane from blood plasma) is used for surgical interventions - osteoplasty, stimulating the healing of the hole. The shelf life of the membrane is no more than a few hours. Plasmapheresis is performed exclusively on the day of surgery. Our specialists have all the knowledge and skills to ensure technically complex operations.

Advantages of plasmolifting of gums at the Vitam clinic in Moscow

To avoid complications, blood injections should be given in a clinical setting, strictly following the established protocol. At the same time, the training of specialists and the availability of modern technical facilities in the clinic are important.

Everything you need to carry out plasma lifting of gums in Moscow is available at the dental clinic. Our dentists have the highest qualification category and many years of experience. They use an individual approach and high-tech equipment, which eliminates the possibility of errors and ensures the desired result.

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