What is non-contact dental prosthetics without grinding?

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Conventional standard prosthetics require grinding of the corresponding tooth, as well as neighboring ones. This procedure is carried out so that it is more convenient to install the prosthesis and nothing interferes with the process. This method has a significant disadvantage, which is that it leads to tooth decay and loss. This is how a new, more gentle method for installing a prosthesis emerged. It is called contactless. Its essence is that it allows you to restore the normal functioning of the jaw without grinding, painlessly and without serious consequences.

Dental prosthetics without grinding, what is it?

Before analyzing the pros and cons of this procedure and types of prosthetics, you need to understand the definition itself. So, prosthetics without turning is one of the methods of prosthetics that do not destroy the tooth structure.

To install a crown, you must first suppress the caries so that it does not develop further. To do this, the canals are cleaned, the tooth is treated with a drill, thus preparing the cavity for further actions. When installing a bridge, healthy adjacent teeth are also affected. They also have to be depulped, that is, the nerves have to be removed.

During prosthetics, crowns are placed on healthy supporting teeth on both sides of the void in the gum. In order to install crowns and fix them, you need to grind down the healthy tooth covering. This is a big disadvantage of this procedure. It is unpleasant and, to some extent, offensive, because orthopedic dentists themselves grind down healthy, strong teeth.

To summarize, we can say that by treating one tooth, we kill the neighboring ones, bringing them closer to possible destruction, since they are considered dead. And they are destroyed due to the fact that they cease to participate in the exchange of useful substances and become more vulnerable. The situation is aggravated by the increased load due to the fact that they are a support for the prosthesis.

Despite these consequences, prosthetics using the methods described above are still used in dentistry, but the method without grinding is becoming increasingly popular.

How to prevent it in time

Be careful when your child learns to coordinate his movements so that he can put his finger in his mouth. If he does this before eating, it means he is hungry and it’s time to feed him. If the finger ends up in the mouth after feeding, it means that the baby needs to be kept at the breast longer, applied more often and not reduce the number of feedings until the baby himself begins to demand the breast less often. It happens that a baby quickly gets enough from the first breast, and is immediately given a second one - he refuses because he is already full, but his sucking reflex is not satisfied, so he sucks his finger. In such cases, do not rush to transfer the baby to the second breast. Remember that it is important not only to feed him, but also to give him the opportunity to satisfy his sucking instinct in the most natural way - with the help of his mother's breast. If it is not possible to devote 30-40 minutes to feeding, give a pacifier after meals.

Thus, thumb sucking is a signal to parents. If you recognize it in time and give the child what he needs (breast or pacifier), it will not develop into a bad habit. And there is no need to take your finger out of your mouth, so that this does not become a lever to attract your attention.

Types of dental prosthetics without turning.

All available types are aimed at solving the problem of missing one or more teeth. All types have the main difference - the durability of the result.

The most practical and reliable method is implantation. This attitude remains for life. This is its undeniable advantage for many.

How are implants installed?

In this procedure, an artificial root is inserted into the cavity where the tooth used to be. After this, an artificial crown is installed on it. As a result, it turns out that the one made will not be externally different from its own. The only difference is that it is attached to an artificial root and is not considered living, since there are no nerves there. Implants can replace more than one tooth, but even several neighboring ones, and the prosthesis can support a “bridge.”

The procedure discussed above is the most reliable method of installing a prosthesis. But the downside of this is that many people have contraindications from their doctor.

As mentioned above, this is not the only type of prosthetics, but it is the one that is lifelong. All the rest are rather temporary installations.

Adhesive method without turning.

This method is otherwise called the Maryland bridge. In simple terms, this is the installation of a bridge without the turning procedure. This method refers to complete dental prosthetics. If a tooth is completely missing, then small holes are made on two adjacent ones, after which an almost invisible tape is installed to serve as a support for the tooth being restored.

The steps to create a new tooth are carried out in one session. That is, in one visit to the doctor, he, using translucent tape and a fiberglass pin, forms the foundation for attaching the prosthesis to previously processed and prepared areas of healthy teeth.

A “Maryland bridge” can be used to replace no more than one tooth located between two healthy ones, and if several in a row are damaged, then the AMP cannot be used. This is due to the fact that such a prosthesis is made of a rather fragile material that cannot withstand heavy loads. Pressure occurs in any case when chewing; you don’t even need to make any special efforts for this. If only one tooth is lost, then you can restore it without any problems using this method, and if more than one, then it is better not to risk it and use other installations discussed in the article.

Elimination of defects in the dentition requires compliance with oral hygiene.

Prosthetics of anterior and chewing teeth without turning

An indisputable fact is that implantation is the safest, proven method for the lifelong installation of a tooth in the place of a lost one. This is due to the fact that the procedure in question does not damage adjacent dental units.

The procedure involves installing a titanium body into the jaw, and later replacing it with a crown. The technique is mainly based on osseointegration, which means that dental implants completely merge into one with the jawbone and thus completely and completely replace the lost living tooth both in aesthetics and functionality, which is very important. The process is not long, it takes no more than 40-45 minutes and is carried out under local anesthesia. During the operation, the person does not feel pain or discomfort. After it, there is also no discomfort, but only the client’s pleasant surprise at the result he saw.

As already mentioned, implants can last a lifetime, as they fuse tightly with the jaw bone. There is an example where the first patient lived with implants for about 50 years.

Bridge without turning

This type is a relatively new method for restoring a lost tooth. It's relatively uncomplicated. It consists in creating microchannels on the sides of the so-called abutment teeth, where locks are installed and fixed in order to hold the intermediate part of the bridge. At the same time, nerves are not removed from adjacent supporting dental units and their surfaces are not ground down. Bridge-like prosthetic structures are quite strong and therefore withstand loads even under heavy loads and pressure during chewing. The locks evenly distribute the load, which eliminates strong pressure and injury to the gums.

Despite the described advantages, many dentists still recommend the installation as a temporary one, explaining that it is not 100% reliable. It is recommended to resort to this method during the period when the installed implant takes root in the area visible when smiling.

Adhesive technique for restoring teeth without grinding adjacent teeth

This method involves fixing the prosthesis using elastic and durable materials, such as fiberglass or plastic. Adhesive bridges are divided into three groups based on different types of fastening.

  • Fastening using glue. This technique is considered quite safe and reversible if the client refuses the prosthesis in the future.
  • Methods involving the treatment of adjacent teeth. It also does not cause significant harm because it is much safer than turning. To secure the fiberglass tape, the orthodontist makes small indentations on the supporting teeth, either on top or behind.

Adhesive structures are not reliable, as a result of which they are used only for a short period of time, and also for repairing no more than one tooth. Despite its unreliability, this method is quite popular and widespread. It is inexpensive, the price range is around 3,000 rubles.

Removable prosthetics without turning

The fastest and most inexpensive type of removable prosthesis installation is a nylon prosthesis. What it is? This is a structure that consists of an artificial row of teeth and a frame that holds them together. Thanks to the bending properties of nylon, the prosthesis easily envelops the teeth and gums, being fixed by the lower or upper palate. The advantages include the fact that such a prosthesis can replace one or two teeth, or an entire row. Speaking about the disadvantages, the following can be noted:

  1. Flexibility and elasticity have negative consequences in the form of rubbing and necrosis of the areas where the prosthesis is attached.
  2. Since the relief of the oral cavity changes over the years, this installation has to be changed or adjusted. This is also caused by wear and tear of the material.
  3. It is not very comfortable to walk with nylon prostheses. Moreover, they must be regularly removed, cleaned, processed and reinstalled, which takes quite a lot of time.

Basic mistakes

Women learn how to give a blowjob from pornographic films, where the actions of actresses are aimed only at entertainment, and not at the pleasure of their partner. Now there are blowjob courses that teach you from scratch and help you avoid common mistakes.

  • Influencing only the head is a big mistake, since this part can lose its sensitivity if overstimulated. We must not forget about other parts of the genitals. There are many nerve endings on the scrotum.
  • You should not start and end oral sex abruptly. Men, like women, need time to tune in.
  • You should not give a blowjob too intensely - the act will end quickly, but will not differ from regular masturbation. Speed ​​makes the partner think that the girl wants to finish the caresses as quickly as possible; they are unpleasant for her.
  • The monotony of movements leads to the fact that a man stops enjoying oral sex. Ejaculation occurs, but there is no moral satisfaction, and it plays an important role, as well as physiological. Therefore, it is better to change and add new movements and caresses.
  • You need to give a blowjob without tension. Any sexual contact, except violence, is joy and relaxation. Strenuous activities cause discomfort.
  • Don't hide your face during a blowjob. Inexperienced women think that they look stupid and ugly at such moments, but men perceive it differently. The partner's face during a blowjob excites them very much.
  • Having oral sex without making any sounds is also wrong. When a girl shows with moans and sighs that oral sex brings her pleasure, then the excitement and pleasant sensations for her partner will be many times stronger.
  • If a woman is not ready to swallow semen, you need to discuss this in advance, as well as other intimate details. At least on a like-dislike level.

Are there any restrictions for dental prosthetics without grinding?

Like many other orthodontic procedures, this one has its limitations and contraindications. These include:

  1. Presence of cancer.
  2. Mental disorders.
  3. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  4. Blood diseases (poor clotting).
  5. Physical exhaustion, weakness due to recent illnesses and attacks.
  6. Presence of sources of infection in the oral cavity.
  7. Inflammation in the gums.
  8. An allergic reaction to the material from which the prosthesis is made.

These are the main points that should be taken into account when installing prostheses without contact.

So, the types of prosthetics, contraindications have already been described above, and the advantages and disadvantages of non-contact installation of a prosthesis have been indirectly mentioned.

Why give a blowjob, advantages:

  • Safety. With such caresses there is no danger of getting pregnant. You can give pleasure to your partner without protection, without fear of consequences, even on the most “dangerous” days of the cycle.
  • Rapidity. If a girl knows well how to give a blowjob, the process takes less than a minute. This can be useful when there is a risk of being seen or there are time constraints.
  • Intimacy does not depend on environmental conditions. Sometimes the desire to have fun can come suddenly. If the conditions are unsuitable for sex, then it is more convenient to resort to oral sex. For example, at a party, on the street or in transport.
  • Possibility of intimacy during menstruation. For a small part of women, menstruation lasts from a week to 10 days, this is their peculiarity. For young, temperamental men, this is a long period of abstinence; they can hardly stand even five days. At the same time, not all women agree to have sex during menstruation, just like not all men. Blowjob is a great solution in such situations.

What are the advantages of dental prosthetics without grinding?

  • No discomfort or pain during the procedure.
  • No destructive load on soft tissues in the oral cavity.
  • A chance to create a beautiful smile without the suspicion of others about dentures.
  • Possibility to replace the prosthesis in a short time.
  • Uniform and gentle distribution of load on the gums.
  • No difficulties in preparing for the procedure. It is enough to maintain hygiene.
  • Repeating the prosthetic procedure cannot be ruled out.

What to do if a 2 year old child sucks his thumb?

If your baby is already eating solids and is not breastfeeding but is still thumb sucking regularly, it could be due to stress, fear, irritation or boredom because sucking helps him relax. Sometimes this habit is acquired if a child experiences a divorce or quarrel between parents, entering kindergarten, moving, the arrival of a new family member, or some other major change. At such moments, the child will be helped by love, tenderness, affection, relaxing techniques such as massage or working with a child psychologist.

If a child lives without shocks, but still sucks his thumb, observe in what situations he does this. Candidate of Psychological Sciences Olga Egorova states: “If a parent notices that a child sucks his finger every time after some kind of stress - a sharp sound, a change in temperature, or if it’s time for the child to sleep and the parents do not put him to bed, or he has a fever, cutting teeth, tummy hurts - then this will be an indicator that this is how the child calms down, which means he is experiencing some discomfort.” Perhaps he is angry about something, or worried, or just bored. Give him more attention, entertain him, play together. A child may be bored if he lacks toys or the company of other children.

“If your child sucks his thumb too much, try to make his life more enjoyable for him,” writes American scientist, pediatrician and educator Benjamin Spock. - Remind him sometimes that someday he will grow big and stop sucking his thumb. Friendly encouragement will make him want to get rid of this habit as soon as he can. But don't be mad at him for it."

Remember that the habit of thumb sucking is only a sign that the child is missing something. This means that the best thing is to help him cope with the cause, and not just extinguish the effect.

Disadvantages and contraindications

In addition to a sufficient number of advantages, there are also disadvantages, which include:

  • If the material is fragile or poorly made, then the dentures will not last long. Approximately 4 years.
  • Not all prosthetic methods are suitable for replacing chewing rows, which is also due to low strength and wear resistance.
  • It should not be used if you have bad habits, malocclusion, or serious diseases, especially infectious ones.
  • Noticeable location of fasteners that will be located on the lingual side.

Designed by nature

It all starts with the sucking instinct, which a newborn needs to survive. While still in the womb, the baby can suck his thumb, thus preparing for the breastfeeding that awaits him after birth. Proper sucking not only ensures the receipt of food, but also develops several systems in the body of a new person, forms the facial skeleton, and calms the child.

The sucking instinct, as a rule, fades away by 1.5-2 years of life. Until then, it is important for the child to satisfy his need for sucking, which is individual for everyone. If this does not happen, he may suck his finger, fingers, lips, or foreign objects, which becomes a bad habit.

How to avoid the gag reflex3

One common technique for controlling the gag reflex is to apply pressure to the muscle between your thumb and index finger. As the pressure in this area increases, you will feel your gag reflex subside.

If this doesn't work, use the dentist's secret - clench your left hand into a fist, squeezing your thumb intensely. This will distract you from the unpleasant feeling in your mouth. This trick is actually backed up by several studies because it is a form of acupressure.

You can also train your gag reflex with a toothbrush. After brushing your teeth, start brushing your tongue and try to get to the end where it meets your throat.

You can try cleaning the middle of your tongue and start moving back a little. If you feel the urge to gag, go back and then move up again until you reach the farthest point of your tongue. Repeat the process until you no longer feel nauseous.

Just try to practice 2-3 times a week, and soon you will notice that your gag reflex is dulled or completely disappeared.

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