Inspire Ice braces: pros and cons of sapphire systems

There are several options for braces, differing in design and material.

From their variety, each patient can easily select those that will correct the existing malocclusion and will correspond to their financial capabilities.

For those clients who, in addition to results, care about aesthetics while wearing braces, dentists recommend installing Inspire Ice.


Inspire Ice braces are manufactured by the American corporation Ormco. It was created in the USA in the 60s of the last century , and four decades later began to occupy a leading position among the world manufacturers of orthodontic products.

The main directions of the corporation are regular improvement of manufactured products, development of new production technologies, and work for each specific patient.

The corporation includes several large companies specializing in the production of various brace systems, tools and equipment for working with them.

The company's leading specialists regularly improve treatment methods and offer new ones to get rid of pathologies of the dentofacial apparatus. They were the first to propose for production:

  1. diamond-shaped and lingual braces;
  2. titanium-molybdenum arcs;
  3. Plasma trimming of bracket pads.

The corporation has established quality control over all its products, so all of them are distinguished by reliability and impeccable quality.


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Tags: braces vestibular braces sapphire braces

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Production technology

The basis of these braces is sapphire, but not natural, but its high-tech analogue, manufactured in factories. The production process itself is complex and consists of several stages:

  1. Melting aluminum oxide to obtain a monocrystalline mass.
  2. By compressing this mass, a sapphire is formed, and its diameter can reach a meter (unlike natural, it turns out to be completely transparent).
  3. The resulting sapphire is molded into even, but different in parameters, plates.
  4. They are then cut into portions.
  5. Each piece is polished to maximum smoothness and the required shape, and then faceted.

Important: artificial sapphire is safe for humans, hypoallergenic, pigmentation resistant and very durable. Its unique property of refracting and completely reflecting light rays makes it almost invisible on enamel.

Separately from this process, an arc is made, to which the stone will then be attached (polycarbonate or Teflon can be used as the material for its manufacture).

Afterwards, the entire structure is sent to the clinic, where a specialist will produce a single orthodontic structure on site - braces. Next, they are heat treated or fired, which minimizes the likelihood of them breaking or deforming during the treatment process.

Product range

A feature of the production process at Ormco is the use of stainless steel in the manufacture of metal brackets in brace systems, which effectively cope with the task of correcting the bite without injuring the oral cavity.

The model range is diverse, so for those patients who have problems with allergies, the Orthos Titanium 2 system is an excellent solution; nickel is added to titanium staples, making them highly biocompatible.

The STb lingual system effectively solves the problem of correcting deep bites through the use of a special bite block. Unlike the Kurz model, which is its predecessor, this system can be installed on any dentition.

The design of the Damon Q self-ligating bracket system provides a reliable guarantee of fixation of the arch, which significantly reduces the duration of the treatment process.

Of the entire range of Ormco sapphire braces, we can highlight the Incpire Ice system, which has the highest degree of transparency. This bracket system is one of the ligature ones; it is distinguished by its excellent design and invisibility to others during the entire period of wearing, since it is resistant to various external influences. Here, to the list of its obvious advantages, one should add strength and reliability, as well as ease of removal of the structure.

Speaking about the disadvantages, it is necessary to touch upon the issue of price, since installing such a system on one jaw will cost at least 40 thousand rubles, and this is even in the most favorable situation. The cost can be much higher, reaching up to 75 thousand, but the solution may be to combine these braces with others, for example, metal ones.

The classic options would be stainless steel braces, but if you are allergic to metal and your financial capabilities do not allow you to install a sapphire system, then the solution would be, for example, the Orthos 2 titanium design. Conventional metal options cause a lot of trouble for their wearers, but Ormco braces are different in that that, thanks to the unique processing technology, they do not cause discomfort in patients during use.

Alloy metal systems will cost the least, starting from about 20 thousand; the cost of non-ligature structures will be higher, it can reach 50 thousand.

These systems have a mechanism in their design that holds the brackets in the groove. They can be passive and active; in the latter, the arch is pressed against the bottom of the groove using a special mechanism; in passive ones, the principle of operation is different - it is called the principle of “weak forces” and is based on the interaction of the structure with the patient’s oral cavity.

The main difference from classical solutions is the low level of friction that occurs during tooth movement. The benefits for the patient are obvious:

  • there are no unpleasant sensations;
  • the likelihood of complications is much lower;
  • You need to visit the orthodontist once every 2 months, not more often;
  • installation of the system occurs quickly, within 30-40 minutes.

This model is the most interesting in the entire line of self-ligating structures. These metal systems are equipped with dual grooves and are used to solve the most complex problems. Their characteristic feature is their low profile and small size, thanks to which the patient quickly gets used to them; in addition, it is possible to place the bracket on each tooth with maximum precision. The price for installing this system on one jaw starts at 15 thousand rubles.

When talking about the Ormco model range, you cannot ignore mini-braces. Thus, Mini 2000 is about a third smaller in size than traditional designs, they are thin and look great on the teeth, while at the same time they have high strength indicators. They are placed on those teeth that are most noticeable to others, in particular, on the incisors and canines. After installing them, the patient:

  • you don’t have to have problems with diction;
  • there is no need to fear the threat of injury;
  • You can spend less time on oral hygiene while maintaining its effectiveness.

However, there is also a downside, and this is the price - one jaw will cost about 50 thousand rubles.

System Features

Inspire Ice braces have several features that distinguish them from similar systems from other manufacturers. These include:

  1. Reliable fastening . Before braces are installed on the patient’s teeth, their surface is covered with a special glass composition consisting of microscopic, visually indistinguishable balls. They improve the quality of adhesion of each bracket to the enamel.
  2. Absolute transparency. To ensure that the installed system is invisible on the teeth, many patients prefer to place it on the inside of the teeth. The transparency of sapphire braces allows them to be fixed on the vestibular surface, and they will be almost invisible on enamel of any shade.
  3. Use a special dye when installing . The transparency of the structure creates some inconvenience for the orthodontist - it is difficult for him to fix it exactly in the desired area. In order not to strain your eyes and to carry out the installation quickly and clearly, the doctor coats each group of braces with a special dye, which is easily washed off upon completion of installation.
  4. Removal device . It is not possible to simply remove the structure from the teeth due to its strong attachment to the surface. Therefore, the manufacturer additionally produces a device for their removal. These are special plastic pliers that are used to pick up each element so as not to damage the enamel.
  5. Smooth grooves. Each groove is polished to absolute smoothness. This treatment improves the distribution of the force impact of the arc, prevents its deformation, and reduces pain and discomfort during the adaptation period.
  6. Ball-shaped base . It improves the contact of braces with the teeth and prevents them from peeling off from the surface.

All of the listed features of braces influenced their demand and the number of advantages over similar designs from other manufacturers.

We will talk about the advantages and possible disadvantages of non-ligature braces in a special article. And here you can find out whether the T4A trainer is capable of correcting malocclusion.

Sapphire non-ligature braces

Technologies have moved forward, and orthodontists can offer a ligature-free system, which can be used on both sapphire and other bracket systems made from other materials. This model cannot be recommended to everyone; it has important details. First of all, this is a high price compared to sapphire ligature braces, but it may require a long period of wearing for the patient. Artificial sapphires will give your smile a snow-white appearance, and the orthodontist will attach a lock to the plate of each brace.

System advantages

Inspire Ice has the following advantages:

  1. High aesthetics - they are not noticeable on the teeth and completely blend with their shade.
  2. Prostate installation - the system itself is standard and the doctor does not require special skills to place it.
  3. Ideal execution - its production according to the jaw impression of a specific patient increases accuracy, quality and eliminates adjustment.
  4. Safety . The material itself is harmless to humans, and its impeccable processing does not cause an allergic reaction in the body and does not damage the mucous membranes and soft tissues.
  5. Immutability . Sapphire parts do not become cloudy over time and are not stained with food coloring.
  6. There are no traces of their presence. After their removal, no cracks or chips are found on the enamel surface, whereas after ceramic braces these defects are always present.
  7. Versatility - can be installed for patients of any age category.
  8. The minimal manifestation of pain symptoms during the period of getting used to them is achieved due to the uniform distribution of the load when wearing.
  9. High efficiency of bite correction . The use of computer technology in their production, manufacturing taking into account all the anatomical features of the patient’s jaw, provides a good and quick result in the correction of uncomplicated occlusion.

Ceramic braces

A visit to the orthodontist will not be complete without comparing the functions of other brace systems, so we will quickly go over alternative options for correcting defects and malocclusions and creating a beautiful smile that you are not ashamed of. Ceramic braces, by analogy with braces made of artificial sapphires, can be ligated or non-ligated. Their use is justified if the shade of the teeth is yellow. In this case, sapphire braces will not be a comfortable option, because... will stand out too much in the mouth area. The client can be sure that such a system (like ligature braces) will not rub the oral mucosa, and the fasteners or lock will not cause allergic reactions


The only downside of these braces is their high cost. Taking into account the full course of treatment, the final price will not be affordable for every person. But their cost can be reduced slightly if you use the following combination option: install sapphire braces only on the upper frontal units.

Being a progressive orthodontic design, it cannot correct a strong bite defect. To do this, it is better to install other systems, since Inspire Ice is positioned mainly as a highly aesthetic model.

How to care for sapphire braces

Thanks to the resistance of modern material to coloring and mechanical stress, it is quite easy to care for Inspire Ice braces. However, during the entire period of treatment the patient must follow some rules:

  • Remove food debris and deposits from the system.
  • Regularly clean your teeth and braces with a special brush sold in pharmacies.
  • As the fastening rubber bands darken, they must be replaced with new ones by an orthodontist.


Installation of sapphire braces is indicated only for minor tooth curvatures that require gentle correction. If there is a small malocclusion, the orthodontic structure is subject to special aesthetic requirements.

They are also recommended for those patients who have an allergy to a certain metal, since they themselves do not contain metal parts.


The procedure is almost identical to the installation of any other brace systems of a classical design and is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. A panoramic image of the jaws is taken to assess the extent of the problem and develop a treatment plan.
  2. A photograph is also taken of the row of teeth on which the system is planned to be placed.
  3. The results obtained are sent to the laboratory where an impression is made.
  4. Then, based on it, braces are produced.
  5. The patient is treated for all diseases of the dentofacial apparatus identified during the examination, professional teeth cleaning is carried out to remove deposits, and if necessary, all units are treated with a composition that strengthens the enamel.
  6. Preparing teeth for installation of braces on them: each unit is treated with a special gel, after which they are washed with water and dried.
  7. A specific element of the system is placed on each unit.
  8. The fixed elements are connected by an arc, which is then fixed to the side units.

The entire procedure takes no more than 2 hours. After its completion, the doctor always explains to the patient the rules for caring for such a structure and determines the dates for subsequent appointments. On them, he evaluates the result of treatment and, if necessary, adjusts the position of the arch according to the changes that occur.

How is the structure installed?

The system installation proceeds as follows :

  • A panoramic photo is taken. It is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of wearing braces after treatment.
  • A photograph of the dentition is taken. An individual cast is made from it.
  • Based on the impression, braces are made.
  • They perform sanitation (health improvement, elimination of dental and other diseases) and thorough hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity.
  • A bracket-cushion is fixed on each tooth.
  • The arc is secured.

After the procedure, the doctor instructs the patient on proper care of the system.

When preparing teeth before installing the system, they are first treated with a special gel, then it is needed to condition the enamel. Next, the teeth are washed under running water and dried.

The locks are installed first (on teeth 7 and 6).

Timing and effectiveness of treatment

Bite correction with Inspire Ice braces includes 3 stages:

  1. Adaptation .
    With this system, this stage proceeds in a gentle manner with minimal pain. The main difficulties that most patients have to face are the development of discomfort from a foreign object in the mouth and short-term problems with pronunciation. At this time, it is important to limit or completely eliminate the intake of solid food and to take responsibility for hygiene procedures. After about 2 weeks, discomfort and pain will disappear, and diction will be restored.
  2. The main course of treatment . During this period, a person gets used to braces and stops noticing them. But the exact duration of wearing them cannot be named - this is an individual period, which depends on the age of the patient, the complexity of the defect, and the speed of tooth displacement.
  3. The final stage , during which the doctor evaluates the effectiveness of the correction, removes the braces and, if necessary, recommends consolidating the treatment using additional devices (for example, retainers).

The entire course of bite correction takes about 2 years. You can speed it up by strictly following the recommendations and prescriptions of a specialist.

Wearing process and oral care

Treatment with braces requires not only a competent approach from an orthodontist, but also the responsibility of the patient himself. Since the patient usually does not visit the doctor often, approximately once every 3-4 months the patient must take good care of his teeth and the structure installed in his mouth. In this regard, the following regulations must be observed:

  • Limit consumption of solid foods;
  • Avoid very hot and very cold foods and drinks;
  • After each meal, perform thorough oral hygiene;
  • If you feel the structure is unstable or elements are disconnected, consult a doctor immediately.

These simple rules are often not followed by patients and can lead to undesirable consequences:

  • Increased duration of treatment (due to deformation of the structure or violation of its integrity).
  • The risk of developing caries and periodontal diseases due to the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria due to poor hygiene.


Sapphire braces are more convenient to care for than other orthodontic structures. Dirt and deposits accumulated on them are immediately noticeable and are promptly removed by the user.

Caring for them comes down to following these simple rules:

  1. Daily cleaning of the entire structure with a special orthodontic brush.
  2. Competent diet planning. Despite their sufficient reliability, it is necessary to avoid eating rough and hard foods, as well as biting and chewing large pieces of food.
  3. Regular visits to the orthodontist. The specialist will monitor the progress of treatment and, if necessary, tighten the arch, adjust the position of the system in the mouth, and check its integrity.

Following these recommendations will make the correction progress unnoticeable and will not cause complications.

We have posted information about Incognito invisible braces, contraindications and indications for their use. And here it is written why wax is needed for braces.

At this address: we will guide you on how long it takes to wear braces to correct your bite.

Opinion of bracket bearers

Tatyana, 39 years old

Until Ormco braces became known to me not only in theory, but also in practice, I had used other orthodontic structures and was disappointed with the lack of results. Thanks to my friend, I became acquainted with Ormco braces and was completely satisfied, firstly, with the effectiveness of the treatment, and, secondly, with the adequacy of the financial costs.

Evgeniy, 28 years old

Since childhood, I have had problems with allergies, and therefore many braces designs are completely unsuitable for me, so this system became a way out of this difficult situation for me. I was completely satisfied with the treatment, both with the process itself and with its results, so I recommend this system to all my acquaintances and friends.

Treatment price

The final cost of correction with Inspire Ice braces consists of several factors:

  1. Diagnostics - when, in addition to examination, the dentist conducts a hardware examination of the dentofacial apparatus with the obligatory performance of x-rays of the jaw.
  2. Sanitation . Since braces are placed only on healthy teeth, before the procedure any existing diseases are necessarily treated, deposits are removed, and each unit is treated with fluoride.
  3. Dentist's work. He takes a cast, connects all the parts into one system, and makes adjustments.
  4. Cost of braces for both jaws.
  5. Arc cost.
  6. installations .

The approximate cost of all services provided during installation of the Inspire Ice system is summarized in this table:

Type of service approximate cost
Diagnosticsfrom 2 thousand rubles.
Sanitationfrom 8 thousand rubles.
Dentist workfrom 5 thousand rubles.
Cost of bracesabout 40 thousand rubles.
Arc priceabout 600 rub.
Installationabout 16 thousand rubles.

In addition to the listed procedures, you must pay separately for each subsequent visit after installation. The final price depends on the pricing policy of the clinic itself and the qualifications of the specialist.

The high price characteristics of sapphire structures are also due to the fact that they are the most progressive option for aesthetic orthodontics.


Aesthetic orthodontic systems, in addition to Inspire Ice, also include other, no less popular, but inexpensive analogues:

  1. Plastic. Their price is much lower, but they are inferior in strength, are easily painted with food coloring, have less compatibility with teeth, and often chip and come off. Their approximate cost ranges from 6 to 9 thousand rubles.
  2. Ceramic ones are not subject to staining, have good adhesion to teeth, but have a shade that differs from the color of all teeth, and are inferior in strength and aesthetics to sapphire ones. Their average price is about 130 thousand rubles. (ligature version) and about 160 thousand rubles. (no ligature).
  3. "Damon Clear ". A model in which sapphire is placed only on the teeth in the smile zone, while standard metal ones are placed on the rest. They are expensive (about 100 thousand rubles), but they have better adhesion, are easily removed, and do not damage the enamel.

Each of the listed models effectively corrects the bite. But it is better to choose the right type of braces based on your financial capabilities.

Sapphire ligature braces

The orthodontic term “ligature” is used by orthodontists to refer to one of the elements of the bracket system, namely the wire or ring with which the bracket is equipped. The entire system allows you to fix the structure, forcing the teeth into the correct position. The device has a limit of strength and resistance, so it requires periodic replacement. The color of the surface of the ligature can be chosen like ordinary metal, shades vary from complete transparency to decorative color options (especially interesting for children and teenagers).

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