Correcting your bite during pregnancy: myths and truth about braces and pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman has many restrictions on taking medications, as well as on performing certain medical and cosmetic procedures. Is it possible to get braces during pregnancy? Will wearing them harm the health of the unborn baby? Let’s find out what experts think about this issue.

In this article

  • Is it possible to get braces for pregnant women?
  • Pregnancy occurs while wearing braces - what to do?
  • Braces and pregnancy: hygiene and safety recommendations
  • Reasons why braces are not recommended during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, significant changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. Hormonal levels fluctuate quite strongly, and internal systems begin to adapt to the new state. Changes also occur in the teeth. The expectant mother needs to receive a sufficient amount of minerals (including calcium) - as they say, for two, especially at a time when the fetus is developing a skeleton. If the required number of elements is not enough, the child begins to “borrow” them. This is why pregnant women’s nails and hair often become brittle and their teeth begin to crumble. Due to general hormonal changes, the gums are also prone to increased sensitivity and may become inflamed. The remineralizing ability of saliva changes, which also leads to weakening of dental tissue.

Due to these processes, current dental diseases, such as caries, begin to progress rapidly. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to undergo oral treatment at the initial stage if there are any problems. In general, most experts are of the opinion that it is not advisable to install braces during pregnancy. But they also have opponents on this issue. Let's look at the arguments for and against.

Braces and pregnancy: if you have already started orthodontic treatment

Already at the stage of orthodontic treatment, pregnancy is not a reason for removing the braces. However, for the predicted result of treatment and oral health during this period, it is especially important to follow just a few rules:

  • adequate home oral hygiene;
  • regular preventive cleaning by a hygienist;
  • preliminary sanitation - ideally, both before pregnancy and before braces, the oral cavity should be sanitized;
  • have the latest x-rays available to monitor the condition over time.

Pregnancy occurs while wearing braces - what to do?

What to do if pregnancy occurs while wearing braces, especially if they have been installed for a long time? After all, if the orthodontic structure is removed, then all the changes that have occurred can be canceled in a short time. In this case, there is a solution - the installation of special retention aligners, or aligners.

These structures are also worn in normal condition - after completing the course of treatment with braces. The transparent plate prevents the teeth from moving to their old place, fixing them. Thus, the results obtained while wearing orthodontic structures are preserved. And after the end of pregnancy and lactation, you can install the braces system again.

Aligners are transparent aligners that are applied to the entire dentition. They are made of very elastic material, so a woman can take them off and put them on herself - it doesn’t hurt, and she doesn’t have to visit the dentist’s office. The structures do not require constant wearing, but still must be on the teeth for at least 18 hours a day. They can be removed before eating and brushing your teeth. The dentist will tell you about all the wearing rules.

The aligners apply gentle and painless pressure to the teeth, keeping them in the same condition they were in after the braces were removed. They are practically invisible on the teeth and do not cause discomfort. The aligners are made of synthetic hypoallergenic material and are safe to wear during pregnancy.

Usually the patient is given a set of several pieces, and after a while he changes to another. The doctor will schedule a replacement schedule. But it is impossible to remove the bracket system without subsequent installation of aligners. This can lead to the loss of all achieved results and further deterioration of the condition of the dentition.

What to do if you have a toothache during pregnancy?

You can treat your teeth during pregnancy. If dental treatment is necessary, it is enough to follow these rules:

  1. Planned treatment is carried out only in the second trimester of pregnancy. Treatment in the first trimester is undesirable due to the fact that at this time the processes of fetal attachment and organ formation occur, and in the third trimester, anesthesia and medical manipulations can provoke premature birth.
  2. Therapeutic dental treatment under local anesthesia is possible with written permission from the gynecologist and in the absence of contraindications.
  3. Professional oral hygiene is permitted using ultrasound and delicate powder blasting.
  4. Tooth extraction is possible only in case of emergency (acute pain) and with adequate high-quality pain relief.

Absolute contraindications

There are a number of restrictions for wearing braces during pregnancy. They cannot be installed if:

  • systemic diseases caused by disorders in the immune, cardiovascular, endocrine or hematopoietic system;
  • pathologies associated with problems of healing and restoration of bone tissue;
  • a number of neuropsychiatric disorders.

In each individual case, the final decision on treatment is made by a specialist.

After the birth of a child, are there any additional recommendations from the dentist?

There is the concept of “active lactation”, this is approximately 6 months after the birth of the child. During this period it is not recommended:

  • carry out active sanitation of the oral cavity (some drugs and anesthetics get into the milk and the child’s reaction to such milk is unpredictable);
  • use anti-inflammatory drugs, which are prescribed in parallel for planned removal, implantation and prosthetics.

Therefore, they try to postpone all planned procedures for approximately 6 months after birth. Dynamic observation with professional oral hygiene is required once every 6 months with the prescription of remineralizing drugs for use at home

Braces care

The procedure for caring for braces for pregnant women has its own characteristics. You should be more responsible about hygienic measures aimed at cleaning the structure, teeth and gums.

To eliminate the risk of complications, you should be sure to brush your teeth after every meal. Experts recommend spending at least 10 minutes on this. Cleans the surface of the teeth both from the outside and from the inside.

Cleaning is carried out using a special brush with V-shaped bristles. To efficiently remove food debris in the interdental spaces and from the braces, special brushes and dental floss are used.

Orthodontists often recommend using sprays that clean the mouth and improve blood circulation in the gums.

Toothpaste should also be chosen on the recommendation of a doctor.
After brushing your teeth, the mouth should be rinsed thoroughly for 2-3 minutes. The doctor's consultation

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a special state of the body

  • It is no secret that a developing fetus needs various microelements from the mother’s body, including calcium, the basis of bone tissue. Therefore, expectant mothers are prescribed special vitamin preparations with supplements of vital microelements and are recommended to adhere to a special diet.
  • However, due to changes in hormonal levels, the bone tissue softens and becomes more pliable, and the teeth acquire previously unusual fragility and increased sensitivity.
  • In addition, many women experience so-called pregnancy gingivitis, caused by metabolic disorders and toxicosis. The gum tissue becomes inflamed, bleeds and grows noticeably.

At a consultation with an orthodontist

The orthodontist, in addition to crowded teeth and crossbite on the left, drew the patient’s attention to another problem: a lost chewing tooth. To normalize the bite, it is necessary to restore the integrity of the dentition. Restoring the tooth will prevent the remaining teeth from shifting to the place of the missing one and will allow for the creation of correct interdental contacts. The best restoration method in this case would be dental implantation. You need to plan prosthetics before starting orthodontic treatment, taking into account the wishes of the orthopedic surgeon. It is the orthopedist who must tell you how much space is needed to install the implant and crown. At the Dial-Dent clinic, such cases are solved comprehensively; orthodontists and orthopedists work in close cooperation.

After a comprehensive diagnosis, including consultations with a psychologist and osteopath, orthodontist O.A. Baranova offered a choice of several braces systems that are suitable for treatment. The patient chose Damon braces - Damon Clear braces (on the upper jaw) and Damon Q braces (on the lower jaw). Ceramic braces look the most aesthetically pleasing and attractive.

Conservation of orthodontic therapy - an alternative solution

If it was decided to remove the bracket system for medical reasons, then it is possible to preserve the already achieved result, i.e., “preserve” it. The preservation method involves the patient wearing special transparent aligners made of medical silicone on her teeth. They will have to be worn until therapy is resumed. Mouthguards are made individually, based on the characteristics of the bite.

Can pregnant women get braces?

In conditions of hormonal changes, additional load on the dental system in the form of braces can significantly aggravate existing problems with the health of teeth and gums.

  • Straightening teeth with braces requires constant medical monitoring of changes occurring in the jawbone. When planning a correction program, the orthodontist can only calculate the degree of impact of the traction force of the orthodontic arch on the bone, but not the changes occurring in the body of a particular pregnant patient. In this case, the resorption process can become uncontrollable and lead to irreversible changes - resorption of tooth roots.
  • Due to calcium deficiency, even neat self-ligating Clarity SL braces placed on the teeth can aggravate problems with tooth enamel. Under the influence of acid-forming bacteria, even women who diligently clean their teeth can develop caries.
  • At some stages of treatment, patients are required to have special endurance, because they have to experience noticeable discomfort caused by the activation of the system. At this time, the teeth ache a lot, and if at the same time swollen and bleeding gums also hurt, then the woman enters an undesirable stressful state.

It is also worth noting that when wearing braces, you need to change your diet by giving up a number of foods. Since diet plays a special role in the nutrition of pregnant women, all changes will have to be coordinated with your obstetrician.

Is it possible to combine?

The combination of pregnancy and treatment with braces is not welcomed by both orthodontists and other doctors, since clinical data prove the possibility of reversible and irreversible consequences .

Dentists explain their negative attitude towards this by the peculiarity of enamel, which becomes fragile during pregnancy due to increased leaching of calcium. Wearing braces will only worsen the situation and cause tooth decay. In order to strengthen the enamel during pregnancy, women are prescribed calcium-containing medications.

It is also recommended to follow a special diet aimed at replenishing normal calcium levels in the body.

If during such treatment, its indicators reach normal, then the possibility of correction with braces during pregnancy increases significantly.

The decision to install braces is made only by the attending physician , after studying all the data obtained as a result of a thorough examination of the patient. At the same time, it is taken into account what exactly the woman wants to get as a result of treatment - to correct an abnormal bite or single irregularities in the dentition.

Orthodontic treatment is allowed if all indicators are normal. Preparatory measures are recommended to be carried out before pregnancy, but can also be carried out during pregnancy.

Many modern painkillers and medications are designed specifically for use during this period. They do not have a negative impact on the development of the fetus and the general health of the mother.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a special state of the body

Correction of bite defects has to be done only once, and in most cases, a married couple wants to have several children. If we could plan our lives several years in advance, we could first devote time to forming a Hollywood smile, and then deal with the birth and upbringing of heirs. Unfortunately, circumstances do not always contribute to the rational organization of life. For some, pregnancy occurs during the period of orthodontic treatment, for others, time to take care of themselves appears only when they are carrying a child, when their lifestyle becomes more measured and calm.

The question “Can I wear braces during pregnancy?” is often discussed on women’s forums. Some visitors claim that it is when carrying a child that ideal conditions are created for this. And they are partly right.

The process of correction of dental anomalies occurs due to the restructuring of the jaw bone. Dentists call this bone resorption. Due to pre-calculated and strictly controlled parameters of the impact of braces, bone is absorbed at the site of the abnormal placement of the tooth and is formed where it moves. For pregnant women, changes in bone tissue composition are natural. And at first glance, it seems that this will make the teeth move easier and much faster. In fact, if such restructuring of bone tissue does not affect the stability of teeth in ordinary orthodontic patients, then serious problems may arise in pregnant women.

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