Ultrasonic teeth cleaning: Prices, advantages and features of the procedure

Regular and high-quality brushing of teeth from plaque and deposits is the best measure to prevent the development of all kinds of dental diseases. Previously, it was carried out exclusively by mechanical methods, but today modern dentistry offers patients a more effective method - ultrasonic teeth cleaning, which allows you to get an excellent positive result of cleaning dental surfaces with a minimum of negative consequences for the healthy state of the natural enamel coating.

In the article we will talk in detail about the procedure: we will find out its features, advantages, and prices for ultrasonic teeth cleaning in Moscow.

What is it: ultrasonic teeth cleaning?

To perfectly clean your teeth from plaque and tartar, regular brushing and toothpaste will not be enough. It is necessary to regularly visit the dentist's office, where the sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out using professional methods, one of which is ultrasonic teeth cleaning. What kind of procedure is this?

Cleaning dental surfaces with ultrasound is an innovative method of sanitation of dental surfaces, which uses a specialized scaler apparatus. Its use in the procedure allows you to efficiently clean the enamel coating from all types of deposits - both hard and soft. Thanks to such thorough cleaning, it is possible not only to ensure ideal whiteness of teeth, but also to successfully prevent caries and other dental diseases.

Removal with hand tools and chemical detergents

Using tools to remove deposits “manually” can be quite effective, with virtually no risk of tissue damage. But this method has many disadvantages: high labor-intensive and time-consuming manipulations, tools need to be sharpened, and after removing deposits, additional polishing is necessary, since the surface becomes uneven.

The use of the manual method in patients with orthopedic structures has its own characteristics. It is not recommended to use the traditional vertical technique for removing deposits, as it can accidentally damage the edges of the structure and disrupt the edge seal. This can lead to decementation of the structure, the occurrence of caries and inflammation in the marginal periodontium.

In patients with dentures, it is recommended to use a horizontal scaling technique, where the instrument moves parallel to the edge of the structure. It is better to use special curettes (for example, Gracie curettes).

The chemical method is rarely used to remove dense deposits from moving teeth. The gel is applied with a swab for preliminary softening, then washed off with water. Next, the softened deposits are carefully scraped off with hand tools.

The principle of useful action of the scaler

As we mentioned above, ultrasonic teeth cleaning uses a special type of device – a scaler. The device works as follows:

1. It conducts ultrasonic vibration on tooth surfaces.

2. Ultrasound waves have a destructive effect on all types of dental plaque - hard and soft deposits.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

from 2000 rub. More about prices

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CE-5700A – digital timer

Lightweight and easy to operate ultrasonic bath. There are five different types of processing to choose from. The device is equipped with a digital timer for accurately setting the cleaning time of loaded products.

Equipped with a protective grille (basket), stands for discs, watches and jewelry.

Area of ​​use: removing grease and deposits, salt deposits from the surface of dentures, jewelry, manicure and other instruments, cleaning electronic storage media.


  • Quiet, durable plastic case, touch panel with display.
  • Clear time display using a digital timer.
  • Sealed lid, stylish design.


  • Consumers did not find any negative features.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning before and after photos of our patients

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Photo after

In terms of its action, a dental scaler is a universal tool, since its use allows you to remove tartar from the enamel, as well as efficiently clean the space under the gums and between the teeth from pathogenic microorganisms.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is carried out without anesthesia, since all manipulations performed by the doctor are absolutely painless for the patient and do not cause any discomfort.

Ultrasound cleaning does not entail negative side effects, but quite the opposite - it helps prevent diseases of the teeth and gums and improve their health. Reviews of ultrasonic teeth cleaning from patients confirm that this method is not only painless and safe, it is most effective!

Description of the device

The main operating principle of the bath is the use of high-frequency oscillations, which have a comprehensive effect on contaminants using the cavitation method. With the help of such vibrations, harmful microorganisms are eliminated by ultrasound. When using such devices, you do not need to worry about the condition of the prostheses. Cleaning involves the use of distilled water or absolutely harmless, natural solutions. Thus, we can say with confidence that this type of denture cleaning will not affect human health in any way.

At first impression, it seems that using an ultrasonic bath for dentures is absolutely simple, but there are certain nuances here too. They mainly concern the choice of the device itself and setting up the equipment for specific purposes. The characteristics of the device when purchasing should play an important role. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that cleaning occurs as efficiently as possible, and that the structure of the dentures itself is not damaged. It should be borne in mind that the materials used to create prostheses are quite fragile, especially metal ceramics and acrylic plastic. In such options, it is better to provide gentle processing modes.

To get the maximum effect from the ultrasonic cleansing process, you must follow these tips:

  1. The bath must be filled with clean water.
  2. The denture must be completely covered with the solution or water.
  3. The standard cleaning procedure time is five minutes. If more thorough processing is necessary, the time is extended.
  4. After the bath has cleaned the denture, any remaining plaque can be removed with a soft brush.
  5. After finishing work, the device must be wiped with a dry and clean cloth.

What types of ultrasonic baths are there for dentures?

Benefits of ultrasonic cleaning of dental surfaces

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is valued by professionals for a number of the following advantages:

  • The use of innovative equipment allows for high-quality treatment of the root canals of all teeth in the jaw, regardless of their position in the row.
  • Dental surfaces are ideally cleaned of all types of deposits, including plaque from smoking and eating coloring foods.
  • The natural enamel coating of the teeth is polished.
  • Tooth enamel becomes several shades lighter. If you want to achieve the maximum effect of white teeth, use a teeth whitening service.

The price of ultrasonic teeth cleaning is slightly higher than for other professional hygiene measures, but the procedure allows you to obtain an ideal result of sanitation of the oral cavity without harm to the health of the patient’s teeth and the condition of natural tooth enamel.

Deeper cleaning from germs and plaque

Sometimes patients ask the orthopedic dentist how to clean their dentures to disinfect and remove pigmentation and stains. For this purpose, manufacturers of dental hygiene products offer special tablets that can be purchased at the pharmacy. To carry out deep disinfectant cleaning you need:

  • pour 100–200 ml of warm water into a glass;
  • throw one tablet into the liquid to clean dental structures;
  • Dip the denture into the solution.

This treatment can be done every day, leaving the removable jaw in a glass or container overnight. If you prefer not to remove the denture before going to bed, you can treat it with a special solution once or twice a week, but it is better to do this daily for 10–15 minutes. After cleaning, you need to thoroughly rinse the structure under running water to completely wash away the remnants of a chemical harmful to the mucous membranes.

Contraindications for ultrasonic cleaning

Before performing any medical procedure, it is important to consider not only the indications for it, but also possible limitations. Only in this case will the event be truly useful and safe for the patient.

There are few contraindications to ultrasonic teeth cleaning and the main ones are:

  • Implants installed in the oral cavity;
  • Some diseases of the heart muscle;
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system and respiratory tract;
  • A number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Increased sensitivity of dentin.

Temporary restrictions on ultrasonic cleaning of dental surfaces are periods of pregnancy and lactation, the patient’s age under 18 years, the presence of infectious diseases and diseases of viral etiology.

To exclude possible contraindications to the procedure, before ultrasonic teeth cleaning, it is worth visiting a dentist for an initial examination and detailed consultation.

Review of manufacturers

Today, ultrasonic cleaning of dentures is a very popular procedure. But a large assortment of ultrasonic baths causes some difficulties when choosing a suitable device. After familiarizing yourself with popular manufacturers of cleaning devices, everyone will be able to determine the appropriate option, taking into account the technical characteristics.

Geosoft ultrasonic bath for dentures

This manufacturer offers its customers an ultrasonic bath, thanks to which it is possible to perform pre-sterilization cleaning and disinfection of instruments. For these purposes, you will need a special disinfectant solution that will perform the cleaning function under the influence of ultrasound. The capacity of the bath is 150 ml, and the volume of the working solution used is 50 ml/100 ml. The device is equipped with an electronic timer for 3 minutes. The cost of the device is 12,000 rubles.


This manufacturer's product range includes baths that are characterized by an increased operating frequency of ultrasound. Thanks to this, it is possible to carry out deep and effective cleaning, simultaneous disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning of small-sized dental instruments.

The ultrasonic cleaner has compact dimensions and is equipped with a tank made of stainless steel. The cleaning device is equipped with an electronic timer, the operating cycle of which is 10 minutes. The design of the Euronda ultrasonic bath includes a piezoceramic transducer. Its power is 40 W.

The advantages of the device in question include:

  • automatic control;
  • high-quality material – stainless steel;
  • Tools that need cleaning can be placed directly at the bottom of the container.

The cost of this equipment is 18,500 rubles.

Soltec SRL

The presented products are used for pre-sterilization cleaning of dentures. The device is based on a patented Sweep System, which uses ultrasonic waves with three different frequencies. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to clean tools and materials, achieving maximum quality.

The device is equipped with a membrane control panel, as well as an electronic timer with a duration of 15 minutes. The heating temperature is +60 degrees. The cost of the Soltec SRL ultrasonic bath is 56,000 rubles.


This manufacturer's product range includes a universal bath that allows for effective pre-sterilization cleaning of dentures and dental instruments. A characteristic feature of the device remains the presence of frequency modulation mode. Thanks to it, it is possible to achieve amplitude modulation of the cavitation effect in the bath. This will improve the cleaning process and remove contaminants from the instrument. All foreign microorganisms can be removed even in internal and hidden cavities.

The tank is equipped with an adjustable heating function and a timer. Stainless steel was used to make the case, which avoids the formation of fungi and rust. Built-in LCD display helps you monitor the working status in real time. When purchasing this device, the customer receives a mesh basket and a plastic hose. The cost of an ultrasonic bath is 44,000 rubles.


This manufacturer offers the purchase of ultrasonic baths for cleaning dentures and small dental instruments. The device itself is characterized not only by efficient operation, but also by its compact size. The package includes a plastic basket to facilitate the process of loading the tool, and also to protect the internal flask of the reservoir from damage. You can purchase the device at a price of 7,100 rubles.


The Elma ultrasonic bath is an excellent opportunity to clean complex instruments and dental processes without the use of harmful and potent cleaning solutions. The device consists of a housing, a bath, a control unit and an ultrasonic generator. The device operates using environmentally friendly technology. Cleaning of the unit and parts of the device is carried out without dismantling.

The secret of such impeccable cleansing is a high-performance ultrasonic transducer with a frequency of 37 kHz. Thanks to the unique “sweep” mode, it is possible to obtain a uniform distribution of ultrasound in the solution. The cost of the device is 22,000 rubles.

Ferroplast Medical

The ultrasonic bath has a capacity of 27,000 ml and a built-in heater. Serves for effective pre-sterilization cleaning of contaminants of a mechanical, medicinal and biological nature. In addition, the device disinfects medical instruments made of glass and metal.

The bathroom is equipped with a metal grate located in the working tank. The tool is placed there. The design of the bath includes the following parts: body, lid, working container. All of them are made of stainless steel. The cost of the device is 37,000 rubles.


This product belongs to the ultrasonic baths of the digital series. The main advantages of the device include:

  • improved tightness;
  • large viewing window;
  • The design of the device is ideal for women.

You can purchase an ultrasonic bath from this manufacturer for 3,100 rubles.


This manufacturer offers customers ultrasonic washers for cleaning dentures. This work is the result of the work of specialists from the Italian company Liarre. It is very easy to control the washing process thanks to the built-in electromechanical timer. It operates in the range of 0-30 minutes.

Ultrasonic baths from this manufacturer are equipped with a control panel, and the solution in the container does not heat up. All models of devices are equipped with the CAF system. The device costs 65,000 rubles.

Sources used:

  • "Denture Care" Canadian Dental Association
  • Complications during dental prosthetics and their prevention / M.G. Bhushan, H.A. Kalamkarov. — M.: Shtintsa
  • Basker, R. M.; Davenport, J.C.; Thomason, J. M. (2011). Prosthetic Treatment of the Edentulous Patient

Stages of the ultrasound teeth cleaning procedure

The process of ultrasonic teeth cleaning is divided into several main stages, including:

1. Preliminary inspection. The dentist examines the patient and assesses the condition of his teeth and enamel. If during the examination no contraindications to further manipulations are identified, the specialist begins preparation directly for the cleaning process.

2. Cleaning dental surfaces from deposits. At this stage, the specialist uses a scaler built into a special installation. The attachment of the innovative instrument generates ultrasonic vibrations and, simultaneously with ultrasound waves, a solution of water and medications is supplied to the surface of the teeth. In order for ultrasonic teeth cleaning to take place as efficiently as possible, it is extremely important that the specialist makes all movements of the nozzle in the right direction.

3. Polishing the enamel coating. To perform polishing manipulations, special brushes and professional pastes are used; in hard-to-reach areas, the dentist uses strips - ultra-thin strips on the surface of which an abrasive substance is applied. The strips are glued to areas that cannot be cleaned with a regular brush and are removed after a while.

The final stage of ultrasonic teeth cleaning is fluoridation. It is not mandatory and is carried out solely at the request of the patient. The procedure uses fluoride-containing gels, the use of which allows you to consolidate the positive results of sanitation and prevent caries. Fluoridation is carried out by applying the thinnest layers of a drug to the dental surfaces, containing fluorine and calcium in maximum concentration.

Hardware physical methods for removing dental plaque

The sound method with an oscillation frequency from 1500 to 8000 Hz allows you to quickly remove massive dental plaque.

The ultrasonic method with an oscillation frequency of 20 to 60 kHz is actively used in dentistry, as it has such unusual properties as: hydrodynamic effect, cavitation, microstreaming, diffuse effect. After ultrasonic treatment, the tooth surface becomes smooth, plaque does not linger on it, and is cleaned well.

Ultrasound devices are divided into two groups: magnetostrictive and piezoelectric. In Russia and European countries, piezoelectric devices are more often used, in the USA - magnetostrictive ones.

When removing dental plaque from patients with dentures using ultrasonic and sonic scalers, it is very important to work carefully and professionally so as not to accidentally damage the structure or disrupt the adhesive connection between the tooth and the denture.

Recommendations for dental care after ultrasonic cleaning

After ultrasonic teeth cleaning, the specialist must consult the patient on the rules of oral care. Compliance with the doctor’s recommendations is a guarantee that the positive results of the procedure will last as long as possible.

In particular, after ultrasonic teeth cleaning, it is recommended to adhere to the following instructions:

  • Regularly perform dental and oral hygiene;
  • Reduce in the diet the number of foods that can stain tooth enamel and catalyze the processes of its destruction, darkening and thinning;
  • In hygiene procedures, use not only a toothbrush, but also dental floss and mouthwash.

Regular preventive examinations at the dentist will also help maintain the effect of the procedure for as long as possible.

The cost of ultrasonic teeth cleaning is quite affordable and accessible to a wide range of patients. When choosing dentistry for a procedure, do not chase solely a favorable price, since the quality of ultrasonic teeth cleaning largely depends on the professionalism of the specialist who will carry out the manipulations. High-quality dental treatment cannot be cheap!

Affordable prices and impeccable quality of ultrasonic teeth cleaning are guaranteed to every patient of our dentistry - Vanstom!

Ultrasound disinfection

By following proper care instructions and knowing how to clean dentures, you can significantly increase their service life. One of the most progressive methods of caring for removable structures is the use of an ultrasonic bath. Most often, such devices are used for professional cleaning, but there are also inexpensive compact models specifically designed for use in domestic conditions. The principle of operation of the bath is based on the removal of harmful microorganisms by exposing them to ultrasound. The device is completely harmless both to the structure itself and to humans.

Removable and fixed dental prosthetics in Nizhny Novgorod are performed by experienced doctors who always teach patients the rules of cleaning dentures. Following your dentist's recommendations on how to clean your dentures will ensure that modern denture systems are aesthetically pleasing and comfortable to wear for many years.

Rules for storing dentures

The care and storage of removable dentures requires compliance with a number of recommendations. The most important of them is the mandatory removal of the structure before going to bed - this helps to avoid premature deformation. The rules for storing removable dentures are as follows.

For the first 10-14 days after manufacture, the dentist may recommend wearing the denture as much as possible, removing it only for a short period, this allows you to quickly adapt to the new design. However, after this time, the tissues of the oral cavity will need rest - it is important to remove the denture for at least 6 hours a day. Caring for nylon removable dentures requires maintaining moisture so that they do not lose their shape - the same is true for plastic structures.

If you are removing dentures for a long time, it is important to place them in a water solution or a special solution for soaking dentures. You can use a glass of water, disinfectant liquid, or a special storage container. The last option can be used for any dentures - you can care for removable dentures made of plastic or nylon, structures containing metal elements. The container looks like a neat box - opaque and hermetically sealed.

Its use helps prevent mechanical damage to the prosthesis and the proliferation of bacteria. Also, if you need to take the prosthesis with you, such a container will be indispensable - it will provide protection against the ingress of microorganisms.

Pay attention to the quality of the water in which you soak the prosthesis if the structure contains metal elements - water with the smell of chlorine can cause the metal to darken.

Do not forget that the main reasons for denture deformation are drying out of the structure, as well as placing it in hot water. If this happens, and the denture after installation causes discomfort, pain while wearing or eating, consult a doctor - most likely, a new denture will be required.

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