Enamel hypoplasia of primary teeth: conditions of occurrence, treatment, prevention

The key to health is proper body care from childhood. This also applies to the oral cavity.

Parents should closely monitor the condition of the child's oral cavity. But sometimes, despite all efforts, proper care and a healthy diet, you may notice a deterioration in the condition of your teeth. A common problem is the presence of a yellow coating on them. Often parents consider this situation to pass and not require attention or treatment. And this is wrong! Yellow plaque on a child’s teeth can be either a symptom of problems in the body or an independent disease, which, if left untreated, can lead to various complications in the future.

Chromogenic components (food, drinks, other products)

The food we eat and other substances we use contain coloring agents (coffee, tea, cola, wine, tobacco, etc.) that can cause yellow, brown or bright orange spots to appear on the skin. teeth In most cases, the discoloration of teeth is generalized, which means that stains tend to form with equal success both on the entire surface of the tooth and in individual areas. If stains appear, it is better to make an appointment with an inexpensive dentist near your place of residence.

Tooth pigmentation - symptoms and treatment

A doctor can make a diagnosis of “teeth pigmentation” by collecting all the necessary data after a survey and examination. If necessary, additional studies are performed.

In modern medicine, there are not many methods for diagnosing tooth pigmentation, so choosing the right one is not difficult. These include:

  • visual inspection of clinical manifestations;
  • radiography - allows you to evaluate the internal structure of the tooth and identify deviations;
  • computed tomography (CT) is a fairly modern research method that is beneficial for both the doctor and the patient (the doctor receives a higher quality image, and the patient receives approximately 90% less radiation); allows you to study the image in 3D format and monitor the dynamics of treatment;
  • microscopy - magnifies the area under consideration approximately 25 times, makes it possible to study the structure of the enamel and the extent of the lesion;
  • rheodentography - allows you to determine the functional abilities of the pulp, as well as assess the depth of the lesion;
  • electroodontodiagnosis is a method of studying the condition of the pulp and periodontium (soft tissues surrounding the root of the tooth) using a dosed electric current that affects the nerve without damaging the tissue membrane of the pulp [8][9].

As a rule, to diagnose ordinary pigmentation, it is enough only to collect complaints, an anamnesis (history of the disease) and a visual examination. Doctors resort to more serious studies, such as CT scanning and a microscope, in case of deeper lesions of the dental cavity and periodontium.

To choose the right treatment method, it is very important to establish a correct diagnosis and not confuse a pigment spot with caries. The latter, unlike dark pigmentation, has a cavity bottom that is not only dark, but also loose.

Superficial caries must also be differentiated from a whole group of non-carious tooth lesions, such as enamel hypoplasia, fluorosis, wedge-shaped defect, erosion and necrosis of hard dental tissues.

With caries, the spot is most often a single one. It is localized in the grooves on the chewing surface or one of the contact surfaces (between the teeth), less often on the neck of the tooth. With hypoplasia and fluorosis, the spots are multiple and localized in places atypical for caries: areas of the labial (cheek) and lingual surface of the tooth crowns.

Spots with hypoplasia are usually white with clear boundaries and have a smooth and shiny surface. They are located at the same level of the crowns of several symmetrically located teeth.

Tooth decay

In the early stages of tooth decay, white spots or spots appear on the tooth enamel. The affected areas lose their natural shine and become dull. A thorough examination reveals the presence of damage to the enamel. If the process of tooth decay progresses, the affected area becomes brown or black, it is necessary to diagnose dental treatment. The damage is initially noticeable as a small dark spot or spots that gradually increase in size (over several months to several years) and often lead to actual tooth decay.

Medical stain removal

To eliminate yellowness of enamel in dentistry, there are many methods used routinely. Before professional removal of yellow stains begins, an examination of the oral cavity is carried out to identify the true cause of the pathology. Patients are often recommended to have their teeth professionally cleaned twice a year.

There are several methods of hygienic treatment:

  • laser exposure effectively removes tartar and plaque, splitting them into small particles;
  • ultrasonic exposure destroys enamel layers due to frequency vibrations;
  • treatment with gel and activator lamp is effective due to the content of hydrogen peroxide in its composition.

If pigmentation is associated with the removal of a nerve or clouding of the filling, various agents are introduced into the dental canal to help whiten the teeth from the inside.

There are times when it is impossible to eliminate yellowness. In this situation, the patient is offered to use veneers or lumineers. Onlays are made according to individual parameters of dental impressions. Since the thickness of such devices is minimal, they are completely invisible on the teeth.

Disease that causes stains on teeth

A dental disease that manifests itself in the form of multi-colored spots on their surface is called hypoplasia . The disease appears during the gestation period of the future dental patient. It develops in a child if the mother, during pregnancy, had stomach problems, and also had a lack of vitamin D or was exposed to a viral disease.

In such cases, it is necessary to increase the child’s immunity and change his diet. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of excessive amounts of fluoride entering the body. To do this, you should avoid toothpaste with a high content of it. You need to give your child only purified (bottled or filtered) water, and also give him more vitamins, vegetables and fruits.

With the development of the disease, expressed in the appearance of new spots and an increase in the area of ​​existing ones, remineralization is necessary. The procedure consists of the dentist coating the teeth with a special paste containing substances designed to strengthen the enamel. For hypoplasia detected before the age of eighteen, fluoridation or silvering is also performed.

Yellow spots on teeth

Yellow spots occur due to tartar, trauma, caries, as well as problems during pregnancy and living conditions. The problem often occurs in very young children (up to one year old). These include hygienic violations and dry air in which he is forced to constantly be.

In any case, regardless of the cause of this pathology, you need to consult a dentist. Regular brushing, dental checkups, and flossing can help reduce the risk. It is also recommended to have your teeth professionally cleaned at your dentist's office twice a year. Significantly increases the effectiveness of prevention by excluding from the diet foods that contribute to tooth decay. A similar pathology can also occur in adults.

Black spots

Tooth degradation of this nature can have several causes. One of them is Priestley's plaque , most often caused by disturbances in the microflora of the children's intestines. As a result, both baby and molar teeth are destroyed by bacteria. The disease can only be treated with medication.

Black spots can also be caused by the development of caries. Blackening of teeth is often a consequence of a lack of calcium in the body. For prevention, you need to reduce the amount of sweets you consume.

In addition, you can increase calcium levels by giving your child more milk and using vitamin complexes prescribed by your dentist.

Much less often, but still possible, this pathology can be inherited from parents. Therefore, the child must have personal cutlery (at least a spoon and fork).

Recommendations from Amel Dental dentists

Beautiful teeth are healthy teeth, and dental health is the result of a patient’s responsible attitude towards their health and oral hygiene.

You can avoid the appearance of unsightly pigment spots on your teeth by following the recommendations of dentists:

  • to give up smoking;
  • restriction in the diet of coloring drinks and foods;
  • restriction in the diet of foods containing acid (citrus fruits, apples);
  • balanced diet (sufficient amounts of calcium, vitamin C and other minerals, vitamins necessary for the formation of bone tissue), high-quality drinking water;
  • Regular visits to dentistry for the purpose of prevention and timely treatment of caries and other oral diseases.

If stains appear on your teeth, you should not self-medicate, since in most cases, aesthetic defects of the teeth are associated with disorders and diseases within the body. Only a qualified doctor can determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe the correct treatment.

Elimination at home

As many years of research have shown, only plaque caused by food can be eliminated at home. If you regularly use high-quality toothpastes and toothbrushes, mouthwashes, and use whitening pastes once a week, you can achieve good results. Pharmacies also sell special kits - a silicone tray and a gel, which contains hydrogen peroxide or active enzymes that chemically destroy the plaque film.

The chronic yellowing of a heavy smoker and coffee drinker is almost impossible to eliminate without the help of dentists. Having penetrated into the deep layers of enamel, the dyes can no longer be removed with a brush.

Some people use homemade products based on baking soda (abrasive), lemon juice (acidic), and hydrogen peroxide. Such recipes can give results, but they damage the enamel, lead to erosions, and demineralization of certain areas.

Removing yellow plaque on teeth at home - step-by-step instructions

Step one.

Floss regularly. If this is not done, yellow plaque will accumulate between the teeth, and regular flossing will prevent this. Be careful not to damage your gums.

Step two.

You can make your own toothpaste from improvised materials that are available in almost every home. This could be, for example, lemon juice and baking soda. The first is a natural whitening agent, and baking soda effectively restores the acid-base balance of the oral cavity. To make the paste, mix some juice with a few teaspoons of baking soda to create a paste-like mixture. Apply this product with a regular toothbrush, then wait about a minute and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Do not rub the brush too hard, otherwise you can damage the enamel of your teeth!

Step three.

You can also prepare a special scrub by mixing salt with soda and strawberries. Salt in this case is a natural abrasive, while strawberries effectively destroy plaque due to their high vitamin C content. You only need two or three berries of strawberries, a few grams of salt, and one pinch of soda. Use the same toothbrush to rub the scrub over your teeth. Rinse your mouth five minutes after application.

Step four.

You can rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. Spit it out immediately, and after the procedure, brush your teeth (with a brush and toothpaste as usual).

Step five.

Other products can be used to whiten teeth. For example, orange peel - rub it on your teeth before going to bed for several minutes. Vitamin C contained in the peel will help fight yellow plaque on teeth. The first results can be seen after a few weeks.

Step six.

Buy whitening toothpastes. There are no problems with this, since such pastes are sold in all pharmacies.

Step seven.

Use the methods described above regularly. Thanks to some of them, teeth can be whitened almost immediately, but for best results regular use is required!

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