Stomatitis: treatment and prevention in adults

Kamistad: composition and release form

Kamistad is a modern drug for the treatment of dental diseases. This drug effectively reduces pain and inflammation in the mouth and lips. The German company produces the drug in children's and adult forms, 10 g each in an aluminum tube. Kamistad gel has an anti-inflammatory and strong analgesic effect due to the content of the following components:

1. Kamistad for adults 2% (content per 100 g of gel):

  • lidocaine (monohydrate) – 2 g;
  • chamomile flower extract – 18.5 g.

Auxiliary components: 200 mg of 50% benzalkonium chloride solution, 100 mg of camphor cinnamon oil, 100 mg of sodium saccharinate, 1.5 g of carbomer, 40 mg of 98% formic acid, 2.81 g of trometamol, 820 mg of 96% ethanol, 73.93 g distilled water.

2. Kamistad for children:

  • polidocanol;
  • extract from chamomile flowers.

Auxiliary components: carbomer, glycerol, water, propylene glycol and other components. The excipients also include flavors (mint and honey), they give the gel a pleasant smell and taste, which children especially like.

Difference in composition and action

The main difference in the composition of the compared drugs, which you should pay attention to first of all, is the presence of lidocaine

in Kamistad for adults.
In dentistry, it is used in local anesthesia, but this is not done too often or without prior testing (first application in a small amount). The main soothing active ingredient is a completely harmless chamomile
. In addition to lidocaine, formic acid can also be found in the medicine, albeit as just an auxiliary element. Due to its fast and fairly strong anesthetic effect, Kamistad may be a more suitable option for severe pain.

Despite the fact that Cholisal does not contain lidocaine, it also relieves pain quite effectively. The main active ingredients are cetalkonium chloride

choline salicylate
anhydrous. The first component disinfects the surface of the mucous membrane (antiseptic effect), the second has an analgesic and “calming” effect on irritation (anti-inflammatory effect). Among the ingredients that distinguish it from its rival, which are worth paying special attention to, are anise oil and ethyl alcohol. Although the oil is only an auxiliary substance, the amount of which is small, its presence is still important for people with allergies (the same goes for chamomile extract in the opponent).

“Adult” Cholisal
In the Cholisal line, there is also a variant of Cholisal Dental, produced in one and a half times larger volume (15 g). It contains peppermint oil and propylene glycol. It is indicated not only for inflammation and infectious infections, characterized by irritation and swelling of the oral mucosa, but also in the case of ulcerative and purulent processes. Does not contain sugar. Otherwise, the composition does not differ from regular Kholisal. In general, this option is preferable if you choose what is best for stomatitis.

Gels are applied 2-3 times a day before meals (if it hurts to chew) or after (after rinsing your mouth), as well as before bed.

The difference in shelf life is almost double - Kholisal has a shelf life of 3 years, Kamistad 5 years (although tubes of 10-15 g are unlikely to last that long). Both should be kept away from heat sources and not exposed to sunlight.

Neither one nor the other gel should be cooled or even frozen, even if you want to enhance the analgesic effect with coolness - this will negatively affect the effectiveness of the components.

What to choose?

The decision which is better - Cholisal or Kamistad, primarily depends on the purpose and degree of pain. When teething, children's forms of both are suitable; Kamistad's composition is more “natural” in this regard, the main thing is to make sure that the child is not allergic to chamomile.

For adults with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, it is better to choose Cholisal (regular or Dental), since its composition is more focused on disinfecting and relieving inflammation.
Price difference

GelCost, rub.)
Cholisal for children (15 g)420
Cholisal (10 g)320
Holisal Dental (15 g)220
Kamistad Baby300

Why is this composition so good?

The gel quickly relieves pain and effectively relieves inflammation due to the content of antiseptics and anesthetics in the composition. Chamomile extract acts as an antiseptic, which has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Anesthetics (lidocaine and polidocanol) relieve itching, cool, soothe the mucous membrane, and also block pain impulses from the first seconds of applying the gel.

Purpose of Kamistad gel

Dentists recommend using Kamistad for diseases such as:

  • stomatitis of any etiology;
  • gingivitis;
  • cheilitis (inflammation of the lips);
  • erythema of the lips.

Dental gel can also be used in the following cases:

  • in case of injury to the oral mucosa (from the use of dentures, after operations);
  • with irritation from wearing braces;
  • during teething


  • during orthodontic and dental procedures.

Kamistad gel is an immediate local anesthesia; the drug effectively eliminates inflammation, regenerating the tissue of the lips and oral mucosa.

How to treat stomatitis

To successfully treat the disease in an adult, it is not enough to simply deal with unpleasant symptoms with the help of local remedies for stomatitis in the mouth, for example, anesthetic gels and ointments. It is necessary to eliminate the underlying cause of inflammation. It is often difficult for a non-specialist to determine what exactly contributed to the appearance of stomatitis, which means that independent treatment may not only fail to produce results, but also aggravate the condition. A doctor must identify the cause and prescribe complex therapy. Treatment of stomatitis in adults may include various drugs and local remedies, depending on the factors that caused the disease. The general treatment regimen is as follows:

  • eliminating the causes of the disease with the help of antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antihistamine and other drugs. If stomatitis is caused by mechanical injuries from wearing braces or implants, you must visit a dentist to correct the defects;
  • symptomatic treatment: the use of local drugs for stomatitis (ointments, gels, compresses), which have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, as well as antipyretics in the presence of fever, etc.;
  • strengthening the immune system: immunomodulating drugs and vitamin complexes, physiotherapeutic procedures can be used.

Only such comprehensive treatment of stomatitis can get rid of unpleasant symptoms and reduce the risk of relapses.

Contraindications of the drug

As experts note, Kamistad gel is very well tolerated by patients, however, due to the specific composition, the product is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with heart failure;
  • with bradycardia (slow heartbeat);
  • with renal failure;
  • during lactation and pregnancy;
  • with liver failure;
  • if the child's age is less than 3 months.

It is also not recommended to use the gel in patients who have hypersensitivity to lidocaine, chamomile or auxiliary components of the drug.


Cholisal gel has virtually no contraindications.

No cases of negative effects on the body have been recorded.

The following groups should use the drug with caution:

  • Pregnant patients;
  • Women during lactation;
  • Children under 12 months;
  • People allergic to acids.

As a rule, the application of the gel in cases of increased risk occurs under the supervision of a doctor, or a drug with other active ingredients is prescribed.

Read about how to properly treat inflammation of the tonsils in another informative article on our website.

You can find out all about silvering baby teeth here. There you will also find information about alternative options.

Have you suddenly noticed that your teeth are loose? Do not hesitate to take action, read here what needs to be done in this case.

special instructions

What do dentists recommend to their patients when they prescribe Kamistad?

Before use, you should always wash your hands thoroughly to avoid introducing infection into the oral cavity. Under no circumstances should the gel get into your eyes.

Benzalkonium chloride (antiseptic), which is part of the gel, can cause the formation of black pigment plaque on tooth enamel. Chromatogenic staining of enamel is a temporary and non-hazardous defect, but it does not go away on its own and must be removed in the dental office with professional teeth cleaning.


Oral care during stomatitis treatment

Local treatment of stomatitis in adults plays an important role in the success of therapy. It is necessary to follow a gentle and low-allergenic diet. Food should be warm and soft, not irritating the mucous membranes. During treatment, you should exclude hard, spicy, sour, and sweet foods from your diet. After every meal you need to rinse your mouth. For this purpose, special remedies for stomatitis (solutions or infusions) can be used, which the doctor will recommend. They have an antiseptic effect and protect the oral cavity from the development of pathogenic bacteria.

An important aspect in the treatment of stomatitis in adults is pain relief, since aphthae and ulcers can cause significant discomfort, interfering with normal eating and talking. In this case, local painkillers such as Cholisal® have worked well. This gel has a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect for stomatitis in adults. The antiseptic included in the composition protects the oral cavity from bacteria. The analgesic effect of the gel against stomatitis occurs within 2-3 minutes and lasts from 2 to 8 hours. Such remedies for stomatitis in adults, in combination with the main therapy prescribed by the doctor, help cope with unpleasant sensations in the mouth and speed up the healing process.

Kamistad: instructions for use

Kamistad is very easy to use, but before use it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures: wash your hands thoroughly, dry the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips with a dry gauze swab.

To relieve pain, 1 drop of dental gel is enough. The gel is applied to the finger and gently rubbed into the problem area.

Children are allowed to use Kamistad Baby no more than 3 times a day; adults use Kamistad as needed, but no more than 6 times a day.

In the process of adaptation to dentures, the product is applied to the diseased area, and then the denture

installs immediately. If ulcers appear in your mouth, you should urgently contact a dental clinic for advice.

The drug contains benzalkonium chloride; for this reason, the gel is not allowed to be used for stomatitis with erosions and ulcers in the mouth. It also makes sense to use a dental drug only as part of a complex treatment; Kamistad itself cannot cope with aphthous or herpetic stomatitis, since it does not have the necessary anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

What is better: Cholisal or Kamistad

Many mothers use Kamistad gel during teething in children, but for adults this drug also provides invaluable benefits. Using Kamistad gum gel you can significantly reduce pain in most dental diseases and even completely get rid of some of them.

Composition of Kamistad gel

Dental gel Kamistad is valuable primarily for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. A similar effect is ensured by the complex effect of the drug components:

  • lidocaine hydrochloride (lidocaine);
  • chamomile flower extract;
  • benzalkonium chloride solution;
  • camphor cinnamon oil;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • carbomer;
  • trometamol;
  • formic acid;
  • ethanol;
  • water.

The analgesic properties of the drug are achieved due to the influence of lidocaine on the membranes of neurons, thereby reducing the penetration of sodium ions through it. Simply put, this component of Kamistad prevents the passage of the pain impulse, and we do not feel pain. This substance does not have medicinal properties. Chamomile extract is responsible for relieving puffiness, reducing inflammation and accelerating tissue regeneration. The antiseptic effect is achieved through alcohol, formic acid, benzalkonium chloride and camphor cinnamon oil. The latter component also provides the product with a pleasant smell and taste. Sodium saccharinate is also used for sweetener purposes. The remaining components are responsible for the consistency of the product, ease of use and shelf life.

Features of use during lactation and pregnancy

According to the original instructions, contraindications include lactation and pregnancy. However, this is not a strict contraindication; in practice, the dentist can recommend the drug to patients if absolutely necessary. However, during such an important period, it is better for women to give preference to alternative drugs such as Cholisal or Metrogyl Denta.

"Cholisal" relieves inflammation, pain and kills pathogenic microorganisms. According to the original instructions, it can be used by women both during pregnancy and lactation, but with caution, not exceeding the dose of the drug.

"Metrogid Dent" is only suitable for relieving inflammation; the drug cannot boast of an analgesic effect like Kamistad. This dental gel is only allowed to be used by pregnant women during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. During lactation, the drug should not be used either; the active components easily pass into breast milk, but if necessary, breastfeeding can be stopped.

Comparison of addiction between Kamistad and Kholisal

Like safety, addiction also involves many factors that must be considered when evaluating a drug.

So, the totality of the values ​​of such parameters as “o syndrome” in Kamistad is quite similar to the similar values ​​in Kholisal. Withdrawal syndrome is a pathological condition that occurs after the cessation of intake of addictive or dependent substances into the body. And resistance is understood as initial immunity to a drug; in this it differs from addiction, when immunity to a drug develops over a certain period of time. The presence of resistance can only be stated if an attempt has been made to increase the dose of the drug to the maximum possible. At the same time, in Kamistad the meaning of the “syndrome” is quite small, however, the same as in Kholisal.

Kamistad: reviews from specialists and patients

Dentists speak very positively about Kamistad and call it an emergency solution for toothache. Patients who used this product reported effectiveness and rapid action. You don't have to wait long, just a few seconds after application and the pain goes away. Some patients suffering from stomatitis used the gel a few minutes before meals - this reduced pain during meals and provided comfort.

For children who are teething, this drug is very necessary; the gel not only reduces pain, but also relieves irritation, inflammation and calms the child.

What benefits do dentists and patients report?

Differences in indications and use

Both dental gels are used to relieve inflammation and reduce pain in damaged oral mucosa (stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis). Comistad - a German-made gel exhibits a better analgesic effect, Cholisal has a more pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect (produced in Poland and Russia), is indicated for a wider range of problems with the oral mucosa, in which its competitor is not used, namely:

  • candidiasis (“thrush” of the mouth),
  • lichen planus (itchy dermatosis localized in the mouth),
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome (not as a primary, but as an auxiliary remedy).

Gel Kamistad: analogues and prices

Gel Kamistad - the price is about 250 rubles (data as of March 2017), there are no direct analogues at a lower price.

Analogues of Kamistad in terms of therapeutic effect:

  • Holisal.
  • Luan.
  • Dantol, Dentol baby.
  • Kalgel.
  • Lidocaine.
  • Lidoxor.
  • Dentagel.
  • Solcoseryl and others.

Comparison of the effectiveness of Kamistad and Kholisal

The effectiveness of Kamistad is quite similar to Cholisal - this means that the ability of the drug substance to provide the maximum possible effect is similar.
For example, if the therapeutic effect of Kamistad is more pronounced, then using Cholisal even in large doses will not achieve this effect.

Also, the speed of therapy - an indicator of the speed of therapeutic action - is approximately the same for Kamistad and Kholisal. And bioavailability, that is, the amount of a drug reaching its site of action in the body, is similar. The higher the bioavailability, the less it will be lost during absorption and use by the body.

Comparison with other drugs

The properties of the drug “Kalgel” are very similar to Kamistad; it also contains lidocaine and a chemical antiseptic. The only difference between the Kalgel gel is that its anesthetic effect is weaker and can only be used by children from 5 months. However, “Kalgel” can be used even for ulcerative stomatitis; it also provokes less salivation, which is very good if it is necessary to numb the teeth of a one-year-old baby.

Cholisal gel has a wider spectrum of action than Kamistad, it relieves pain, relieves inflammation, and destroys pathogenic microorganisms. However, the anise oil included in the composition provokes strong salivation, so it is not recommended for use in infancy.

The article was written by a dentist with 12 years of experience!

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